stats on tom

before this thread, tom was the threadstarter of 11/20 threads on the first page of whatever goes.

thought you guys should know what a spammer he is.

carry on

I agree. Tom is a total spammer and a gratuitous groveler of the highest rank; all in some misguided attempt to elevate his rankings here.

He's so desperate to be liked and included it's a little shameless, but he is however "precious" in his efforts.

Poor widdle wanker!
I did....and I'm seriously dissapointed in you for leaving out macaroons!

Ahh, McAroons, the Scottish answer to the French delight but with coconut because they can't grow almonds. (They can't grow coconut either so often they would use alternatives such as sawdust and powdered neeps)
why do you have be a dick and ignore my suggestions? i was only trying to help and offer friendly suggestions, but of course tom gets all butt hurt and gets pissy because someone dares have a reasonable suggestion for him

it makes it more difficult to read this forum when you spam with it numerous different joke threads nearly everyday. why not just make a joke thread and add to it? does every single joke have to be a new thread? maybe you don't care if it makes harder for others to read the forum because you're a prick...

:rolleyes: Why don't you just use the Ignore button? It's not spam just because you said so.
I have to say, I'm with Tom on this one. Grind, quit being a retard and posting stalkerish threads about him. What's the big deal if Tom likes to post humour/satirical threads that you happen to not find funny? Its not like other threads don't get started all that time that fail to be funny...
threedee says that above while considering making tom an arch enemy of the holy trinity. fyi people. ^
I have to say, I'm with Tom on this one. Grind, quit being a retard and posting stalkerish threads about him. What's the big deal if Tom likes to post humour/satirical threads that you happen to not find funny? Its not like other threads don't get started all that time that fail to be funny...

stalking implies i am following tom around. I dont' have to follow tom, it's not in depth analysis, his threads are plastered everywhere for people to see

-10 grind points
I agree. Tom is a total spammer and a gratuitous groveler of the highest rank; all in some misguided attempt to elevate his rankings here.

He's so desperate to be liked and included it's a little shameless, but he is however "precious" in his efforts.

Poor widdle wanker!

There is certainly no danger of you wanting to be liked, if anybody deserves the title of spammer then it's you. At least on the old AOL boards you used to contribute occasionally, here you only come on to post hate filled crap.
threedee says that above while considering making tom an arch enemy of the holy trinity. fyi people. ^

I'm only considering it as a potential compromise with Grind to get something else accomplished, peoplez!! :D

Anyway, I think the issue is already a lock, because Grind lost out a long time ago. The only reason we haven't advertised the vote yet is because Billy has been taking his sweet time doing the graphic art for it...