Stay The Course


Junior Member
SHOCKING!!! The Times finds people who support staying the coarse after the election! How can that be?

>This is the case now being argued by many Democrats, most notably Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, the incoming chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who asserts that the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq should begin within four to six months.

But this argument is being challenged by a number of military officers, experts and former generals, including some who have been among the most vehement critics of the Bush administration’s Iraq policies
LOL even spell check wouldn't have fixed that little problem.

the title of this thread was so entertaining that I took you off of ignore, toby, just to read it! I actually thought you might be making some clever pun, but then I realized that such an expectation was quite unfounded.

You are right, of "course"....spell check would not have fixed that little problem. It would have required a degree of intelligence and education which we all know you do not possess.


now.... back to ignore....little troll.
Funny how often Maine responses to my posts for me to be on ignore! LOL Please continue to ignore me Maine.
the title of this thread was so entertaining that I took you off of ignore, toby, just to read it! I actually thought you might be making some clever pun, but then I realized that such an expectation was quite unfounded.

You are right, of "course"....spell check would not have fixed that little problem. It would have required a degree of intelligence and education which we all know you do not possess.


now.... back to ignore....little troll.

thank God for the ignore option.

At least Dixie had the courage to show up on the board on November 8th, and not hide out for over a week.
there are people in the military who do not think that we should pull out? And this is some big fucking surprise? The people voted...there was not unanimity on this subject, certainly. Many civilians agree with those generals. But a MAJORITY of Americans and many retired flag officers have come out and said that staying the "coarse" is a bad idea. What are we supposed to discuss, damo? the fact that there are different opinions about our future plans in Iraq? Nobody responds much to the topic of toby's threads because they are all either inane, or perverse, or self-evident. Is that really surprising to you?
there are people in the military who do not think that we should pull out? And this is some big fucking surprise? The people voted...there was not unanimity on this subject, certainly. Many civilians agree with those generals. But a MAJORITY of Americans and many retired flag officers have come out and said that staying the "coarse" is a bad idea. What are we supposed to discuss, damo? the fact that there are different opinions about our future plans in Iraq? Nobody responds much to the topic of toby's threads because they are all either inane, or perverse, or self-evident. Is that really surprising to you?
I was suggesting that most of you have him on ignore.
I have noticed that many of the military persons have changed their tune since the election, I wonder why.....
I have noticed that many of the military persons have changed their tune since the election, I wonder why.....
I think it is more likely that they have been taken out of context in order to influence voters and are now just getting their full message out.
I think it is more likely that they have been taken out of context in order to influence voters and are now just getting their full message out.
or could it be now that some who are being quoted are now having to testify in front of congress ?
I pointed it out before that the libs were taking them out of context and didn't listen to everything they said. I was right again.
or could it be now that some who are being quoted are now having to testify in front of congress ?
Which brings out the whole of the story rather than miniscule portions taken out of context. Exactly.

"Suddenly" they aren't "for" immediate withdrawal. They are still critical but not for what it was said they were "for".