Stay The Course

I watched one of those guys (military) being questioned by congress. He was not very clear on his statements. We don't need any more troops unless....
All well-taught military leadership plan for the unexpected. "Unless" is something you will hear often in such planning sessions.
It was more than just that Damo, this guy had no plan or idea on the war either. All he seemed to know was stay the course. Most likely because Rummy and Bush have been running the show.
It was more than just that Damo, this guy had no plan or idea on the war either. All he seemed to know was stay the course. Most likely because Rummy and Bush have been running the show.
Right. Because it isn't possible that he might be critical of current plans while also realizing that leaving now might cause irrevocable damage. Instead what he said critical of the administration was stressed while ignoring other parts of his opinion in order to gain political advantage. Yeah, it's not even possible that some politicos on the left might have taken advantage of limited release of those particular opinions at all. The left is perfect and has no politicos that might want to get people in power using such devices...
Stay the course but put in more troops to patrol the syrian and iranian border. That's what the military is saying.