Stephanie Miller

I'm sure we do. I don't listen to radio talk shows, but I probably will listen to her now.

I used to not listen to talk shows. Until we got Stephanie Miller, and Thom Hartmann. Hartmann is amazing too. He's more on the intellectual side. Stephanie is more on the entertainment side. They're both great ;)
I listen to her every morning. She's on our Air America affiliate here. She's awesome. Don't you have an air america affiliate in NYC? It's possible she is syndicated there.
Oh. Now I see why suddenly people are happy with her...
"I always thought Butler had something there."

Almost 1900 years of fun and THAT bastard tried to ruin it. Smote his ass for it too. Got him a nice lil room....:whip:
I used to not listen to talk shows. Until we got Stephanie Miller, and Thom Hartmann. Hartmann is amazing too. He's more on the intellectual side. Stephanie is more on the entertainment side. They're both great ;)

I've read a lot of Hartmann's stuff. Buzzflash links to him a lot. He's great.
I've read a lot of Hartmann's stuff. Buzzflash links to him a lot. He's great.

Listen to his talk show. It'll blow you away. He's an expert on Jefferson, Madison, and the constitution. And he uses that knowlege to make the progressive case. And unlike other talk radio blowhards, he't totally fearless in inviting experts from the conservative side to debate. Like he'll invite somebody from Heritage Foundation, or some prominent NeoCon on, and debate them. And you know what? 9 time out of 10, he blows them out of the water. He's the best informed, most intelligent liberal talk show host, bar none ;)
I'm telling you the best is the CSPAN call in show. Pure hilarity.

Pure gold! Especially when you get some NeoCon caller proclaiming what a great job bush is doing, and how he's one of the best president's in history.
I've never watched a morning show. I prefer to listen to serious talk radio rather than shock-jocks.

Although I will have to admit, when I was home, I'd watch the train-wreck that is "The View".

I do not listen to any talk radio or watch the talking head shows..I have sure missed the nightly business report and the news hour on PBS for the last few weeks though...
Actually, the devil is the good guy... a few millenium ago I conned a bunch of dumbasses into believing I was the good guy and HE was evil. Funny shit given they passed that on to their decendents. I still get a good chuckle every time I hear the idiots praying to me. Like I am going to help them or something. :burn:

As for ole Bushie... he is actually listening in on Pelosi planning her 342nd face lift... Not sure why he thinks that is entertaining, but he is a weird dude.
Thanks for setting the record straight. Of course, no one's going to believe it so you're not exactly going to pay much of a price, are you?

Damned gated community snob.

Hey, you ever get Pete the rent-a-cop a uniform that fits? Last I saw him he looked like a kielbasa about to pop in the frying pan.