Steve Bannon Issues MAGA Battle Cry: 'Victory or Death'


Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump raped E. Jean Carroll
Setting the stage for their next coup / starting a war.

While appearing at Turning Point Action's (TPA) convention on Saturday, conservative media personality Steve Bannon issued a Make America Great Again (MAGA) battle cry to a cheering audience when he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, it's very simple: Victory or Death!"
Setting the stage for their next coup / starting a war.

While appearing at Turning Point Action's (TPA) convention on Saturday, conservative media personality Steve Bannon issued a Make America Great Again (MAGA) battle cry to a cheering audience when he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, it's very simple: Victory or Death!"
I am fine with death for Bannon.
Setting the stage for their next coup / starting a war.

While appearing at Turning Point Action's (TPA) convention on Saturday, conservative media personality Steve Bannon issued a Make America Great Again (MAGA) battle cry to a cheering audience when he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, it's very simple: Victory or Death!"
Well for Stevie, it’s certainly is victory or jail time

And America best be prepared for what is to occur in November. If Trump loses, he is never going to concede, and what we saw on 1/6 will look like a regular tourist visit with four years to plan. And if he wins, you can kiss America’s democracy good bye, with the full 100% support of the GOP, SCOTUS, and the entire right wing media, there will be no one to stop him from doing anything he wants anytime he desires
"The judge should increase his sentence to the maximum for these types of comments. Free speech is one thing. He is flat out insighting retribution and violence. This man is a traitor and has zero regard for our constitution"
Well for Stevie, it’s certainly is victory or jail time

And America best be prepared for what is to occur in November. If Trump loses, he is never going to concede, and what we saw on 1/6 will look like a regular tourist visit with four years to plan. And if he wins, you can kiss America’s democracy good bye, with the full 100% support of the GOP, SCOTUS, and the entire right wing media, there will be no one to stop him from doing anything he wants anytime he desires
it's so refreshing to see lib'ruls brains explode from thinking stupid things....
"The judge should increase his sentence to the maximum for these types of comments. Free speech is one thing. He is flat out insighting retribution and violence. This man is a traitor and has zero regard for our constitution"
four months in jail for telling Nancy to go fuck herself isn't the maximum?......Holder didn't even get four minutes for doing the same thing....

Tell us there Einstein, who would stop him? Not the cult, the GOP, the SCOTUS, the right wing media, who, who would say no?
yes, claim he would end democracy and no one would stop him.....just like 1/6/'s a clue, fuckwit.......nobody ended democracy on 1/6/2021......your idiotic rants tell everyone WHY lib'ruls should not be in charge of the country.........its because lib'ruls have no brains........
yes, claim he would end democracy and no one would stop him.....just like 1/6/'s a clue, fuckwit.......nobody ended democracy on 1/6/2021......your idiotic rants tell everyone WHY lib'ruls should not be in charge of the country.........its because lib'ruls have no brains........
Once again, seeing you deflected, who will stop Trump from doing exactly as he wants anytime he wants?

Try answering the question this time instead of ranting with talk radio rhetoric
Once again, seeing you deflected, who will stop Trump from doing exactly as he wants anytime he wants?

Try answering the question this time instead of ranting with talk radio rhetoric
1/6/21 proves the lies that anyone needs stopping is nothing more than shovels of lib'rul shit, you mindless lib'rul twit.......