Steve Bannon Issues MAGA Battle Cry: 'Victory or Death'

Setting the stage for their next coup / starting a war.

While appearing at Turning Point Action's (TPA) convention on Saturday, conservative media personality Steve Bannon issued a Make America Great Again (MAGA) battle cry to a cheering audience when he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, it's very simple: Victory or Death!"
"Victory or Death"

Bannon is alluding to the old motto: "DEATH or GLORY"

"Death or Glory" is a military idiom, where "Glory" refers to the glory of victory - of having defeated an enemy on the field of battle

This motto had its origin in 1759 and refers to an English cavalry regiment, namely the 17th Lancers (Duke of Cambridge's Own). The 17th Lancers were renowned for their bravery in battle, and nicknamed "The Death or Glory Boys." Hence the saying, "Death or Glory."

During the 1940s, 1950's, 1960 and 1970s, every, nasty, grubby wimp living in an Anglo-spheric underclass would have "Death or Glory" tattooed on his forearm ( the same kind of characters would would have "LOVE" and "HATE" tattooed across the knuckles of their hands).

Bannon is using the term "Death or Victory figuratively, to describe the political battle for the American Presidency in Nov 2024.

He is right to use the gravitas of a military term like "Death or Victory" ( "Death or Glory") because there is a tremendous amount at stake in the Nov 2024 outcome. If Biden and the Democrats win the November election, it will signal the death of the Republican Party, and the guaranteed demise of the American (liberal, democratic, Constitutional) Republic.