Stirfry's web page refletcions for pictures


This one has ripples that move. this is a screenshot.

It takes any image and adds the reflection you see underneath with slowly moving moving ripples that look like waves

If you guys want this it's simple cut and paste, save a notebook file as an html file and then change the image address in the notebook open page (which is editing the html file) and then save the html as it is. You'll be asked to name it the first time you save it and I usually save it to the desktop so you can easily just grab it and drag it back into an open notebook page to edit it.

Ahh html and javascript.

Down here I decided I needed to add perspective. How'd I do?
The justplainpolitics one has a radial gradient stretched to look like a soft light on it and the outsides of the reflection are gradients with opacity set to let less of the reflection through. The purpose was to make the reflection look brighter where the soft light hits.

it only works in mozilla, but all you have to do is change the variable declaration to the command opera uses if that's what you use.
mozilla is getcontext(2d) and opera is something different. I have it somewhere because the raycaster I made works for all three browsers.
Internerd Explorer doesn't work with canvas. LOL still and I really don't care to worry about using the excanvas.js to make the script work if Microsoft can't make canvas work in their browsers.
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I forgot to mention the one with the poker chips has the water ripple effect and the ozone pic was set be slightly seethrough
thnx Damo

I'm working on a script to draw images skewed into the screen in a perspective view. 1 pixel at time so the detail is perfect. I'm almost done with it. It's too slow, but it works.



You might want to have a go at creating a new header for the site.

I can make software work, but making cool images seems to evade me.
I would love the opportunity. Tell me what you would like it to look like. I have already been playing around with a few perspectives, but they just won't look right unless we can mess with the html a little. Can you fill the sides of the forum? You could link me to a site you think is cool for some ideas. I've been learning a bunch about javascipt so I can create stuff that looks like flash and even perfect sounds using the soundmanager. No more embed tags and the stupid pause every time you fire a sound.

As a side note:
Damo, I'm sitting on a working pinball script with perfect sound and motion until I get smart enough to write the code to handle the flipper collisions. We could create a JPP pinball game to increase traffic. I have a bunch of little game projects as well, but the pinball would be unique for the internet and would be a sweet Digg able javscript...think of the traffic you get to this site with a link here from digg!


bumpers light up!
This script is adapted from the one found here.

The flipper script is a canvas script and the flippers rotate very convincingly. I'm quite proud of that little script since it's flawless. I just have to convert the pinball game to canvas or just create a slideshow/array for non canvas browsers. OrI'm going to try to just fake it by positioning the canvas at the bottom and use z-index to sort out the ball when it passes onto the canvas from a div.
this script adapted from the one found here

Either way I got a little bit of work to do, but it's really impressive javascript that works as good as flash and doesn't require any plugins. I could make an internerd explorer version too. I already have a working script to handle everything.
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other project idea: climate forum!!!!

send me pm if you want to create a JPP clone for climate. I have some investment money if there are start up costs. I need your help learning SEO and google adsense. I'm terribly interested in getting into the interwebs. I might not be able to do floor work ever again since my back suffered a sever muscle tear. I'm still in rehabilitation for it. 4 hours a day I'm performing tests for doctors and working my ass of on exercise equipment. They have to get me able to do floor work. It's a pretty tall order so I need a fallback carreer. I'm hoping I have a chance to sneak in the back door of the internets.

other project idea: climate forum!!!!

send me pm if you want to create a JPP clone for climate. I have some investment money if there are start up costs. I need your help learning SEO and google adsense. I'm terribly interested in getting into the interwebs. I might not be able to do floor work ever again since my back suffered a sever muscle tear. I'm still in rehabilitation for it. 4 hours a day I'm performing tests for doctors and working my ass of on exercise equipment. They have to get me able to do floor work. It's a pretty tall order so I need a fallback carreer. I'm hoping I have a chance to sneak in the back door of the internets.
LOL. I don't know if you can make it a career unless you were selling the magic of "carbon offsets" so that people can pollute with aplomb...
LOL. I don't know if you can make it a career unless you were selling the magic of "carbon offsets" so that people can pollute with aplomb...

nahhh, I just need a real site I can attach my name to (example of my work) so I can get some local freelance web site building work (craigslist has several every day that I could easily do were it that I had some real world site to point to) and so I can possibly learn some more marketable skills to so on the side. I want some cash money, yo!! Here in oregon, no sales tax!! That's like 5 to 6% added value if I can get work through online sources. The IRS can suck my **** from now on. I owed them less than 3 K for a couple years before the took my bank account and left me unable to make money until I battled back (small business....really small LOL)into the black ink. 10 years later I finally got out of the hole with them and they never gave me a single break on any penalties or interest. The story abut the new chief Obama picked literally made me want to die... serious. Someday my posts here might mysteriously cease. LOL

Anyway, I'm not expecting to profit, only to build an online resume, so to speak.
nahhh, I just need a real site I can attach my name to (example of my work) so I can get some local freelance web site building work (craigslist has several every day that I could easily do were it that I had some real world site to point to) and so I can possibly learn some more marketable skills to so on the side. I want some cash money, yo!! Here in oregon, no sales tax!! That's like 5 to 6% added value if I can get work through online sources. The IRS can suck my **** from now on. I owed them less than 3 K for a couple years before the took my bank account and left me unable to make money until I battled back (small business....really small LOL)into the black ink. 10 years later I finally got out of the hole with them and they never gave me a single break on any penalties or interest. The story abut the new chief Obama picked literally made me want to die... serious. Someday my posts here might mysteriously cease. LOL

Anyway, I'm not expecting to profit, only to build an online resume, so to speak.
I'm sure we can figure something out. I'll be answering your PM.
Yeah, we need to figure out a design theme. How much can you edit? Can we change the forum background? I'm just kicking ideas around for now.
Yeah, we need to figure out a design theme. How much can you edit? Can we change the forum background? I'm just kicking ideas around for now.
I believe I can. I'm looking for a way to make it look like it was written on old hemp paper, like the constitution. Getting a nice tan theme rather than that brown I have and ditching the brown. If I can get it like I picture it in my head it will rock. Unfortunately, I can sketch, paint and sculpt, but digital images seem to escape my talents.
that's a cool idea
here's a piece of hemp paper. it would be cool to make the reply boxes have the hemp background and a slight shadow so it looks like they're laying on top. and have the entire page with the rough edges along the outside.

There has to be a way to add a background image. Can you acess the scripts, or just the control panel interface?
that's a cool idea
here's a piece of hemp paper. it would be cool to make the reply boxes have the hemp background and a slight shadow so it looks like they're laying on top. and have the entire page with the rough edges along the outside.

There has to be a way to add a background image. Can you acess the scripts, or just the control panel interface?
Yes. I know that there is, I just haven't taken the time to figure it out yet. I'll get there.

And your idea of the shadows for page on page is cool too.
Well let me do it. LOL give me admin status. heheh I promise to be good.
well, think about it anyway.

I got all my scripts on my new machine and I'm ready to rock. Let make the hemp paper with oak desk for the very outside of the page. We'll use a couple of positioned divs to hold images for left ,right top and bottom of the paper edge then the middle will blend in. it's pretty simple if we can add html to the template.

I also created some layering scripts so I can blend images and highlight contrast without losing the original colors. I don't have cash for photoshop so I have to make my own effects and save them as screen captures.

It works pretty good too. time to make some cool ass page effects and logos. I need your webspace to showcase these scripts. Cmon man! Help a cyberbro out! LOL

I am in the process of making a slide show that fades out one image as the next image fades in. I just have to write the script to handle switching the pic num. It's done one opacity percentage per ms so it's fricken smooth as butter. Looks as nice as flash and easily modified. all in half a page of code. The text will fade in also. Would you think fading in the text slightly afterwards would look cool or should it be a uniform transition or in unison, I mean? Your opinion matters to me. thank you for responding.

I have a slide show script that runs images as a movie inside a little TV. It's kinda cool looking. I snagged the script from CNN pages and modified it to do what I wanted.

the next script I'm going to make will skew the images and fade them in and out.
here's the back ground for it. I might make animations of people's heads moving so it looks like you're really in a theater. It's gonna be cool.
2pz9md4.jpg!! let's do it!