Stone Banned - Rule 1 Violation

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What can I say,...I felt sorry for the poor boy. I know that Incels like Legion have never and never will experience giving a woman a great orgasm. I thought I would be a good guy and at least explain it to him...... :laugh:
Mods??? You cant really ban someone for something and then not ban another poster for doing the EXACT same thing. It doesn't look good. In fact, looks like shit. I have faith that you will do the right thing. Hopefully you prove me correct.
Of course not. Did the old software even have the @ somebody feature?
No. So, I can't tell what he thinks they are doing. I guess I should speak directly to him rather than hash it out openly here though. I'm certain he feels that there has been an injustice.
No. So, I can't tell what he thinks they are doing. I guess I should speak directly to him rather than hash it out openly here though. I'm certain he feels that there has been an injustice.

Evidently. He couldn't have been banned for using the @ tag if it didn't function back then, so it must have been something else.
Legion,....... have you ever heard a woman moan loudly as she digs her nails into your back in a passionate frenzy? My bet is NO, of course you haven't . Psssssst......when a woman has a great orgasm her stomach almost pulsates from bottom to top,....almost like the current of a river . Just thought you should at least know what its like since your prospects of experiencing it are NILL. . You know me,...always informative and helpful..

You obviously watch too much porn.
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