completely wrecking the left’s claim to the title of “liberal” is its modern love and wish for socialist and communist systems to reign supreme. Black Lives Matter, the most popular political group in America, was founded by open Marxists and is likewise openly advocating for replacing the current system with one focused more on equality. They don’t say it out loud, but we know.
The left’s foot soldiers known as Antifa, however, are very open about the fact that they want to establish a Marxian system and do away with our capitalist constitutional republic.
Democrats on almost every level, be they politicians or media personalities, are openly supportive of the Black Lives Matter organization or Antifa. Politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are very openly socialistic. Bernie Sanders, also an open socialist, is often ranked as one of the most popular politicians in the Democrat party.
Socialism and Communism are both the exact opposite of liberal
Exactly, and the only way for the gains made under liberalism to stick is if Liberals on both the Left and the Right band together to defeat the Regressive Left, the authoritarians who say straight up that they are out to destroy America as we have known it.
So far the Liberals on the Left have completely failed in their duty, as a Progressive myself I find this heartbreaking.