Stop Calling Leftists Liberals

97 percent of scientists say global warming is real
Mantras 10d, 22a, 25g, 35d,

and much of it manmade.
Mantra 22a.

That works for me.
Mantras do not work for me.

I certainly do not drop what scientistists say
Scientists are not science. You are extremely illiterate in science.

and adopt what some right wingers and Trump say.
No need to do that. Just adhere to science and you'll be good.

The evidence is clear and piling up. Rightys are so damn certain and so damn wrong.
You seem to be confusing the political right with the political left...
The lefy/liberals do not want communism and socialism too reign supreme. This thread is based on a bogus right wing meme. Are you rightys honestly that stupid? You don't read that and flip the page thinking this is stupid? Because it is. Probably due to tightys wanting what Trump is providing ,Fascism.
The lefy/liberals do not want communism and socialism too reign supreme. This thread is based on a bogus right wing meme. Are you rightys honestly that stupid? You don't read that and flip the page thinking this is stupid? Because it is. Probably due to tightys wanting what Trump is providing ,Fascism.

All one need do to tell that you are lying is to go examine what the Universities have been "teaching" in recent years.
The formerly radical left now just the left is deeply authoritarian, anyone who does not know this at this point is either supremely stupid, delusional, or lying.

Exactly, and the only way for the gains made under liberalism to stick is if Liberals on both the Left and the Right band together to defeat the Regressive Left, the authoritarians who say straight up that they are out to destroy America as we have known it.

So far the Liberals on the Left have completely failed in their duty, as a Progressive myself I find this heartbreaking.

Progressivism is illiberal, which is why it is particularly annoying.
Stop calling Conservatives Christians. They have obviously failed miserably to do God's work. They should be preparing for Hell themselves.

Plenty of conservative Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, Buddhists, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, spiritists, deists, and other beliefs out there...
Progressivism is illiberal, which is why it is particularly annoying.

What we now call progressivism is, the label having been captured by the Marxists critical race theory driving Victim Culture Cult who are illiberal authoritarians who are driving us to UTOPIA without our consent .

I however refuse to give up the claim that I am a progressive.
97 percent of scientists say global warming is real and much of it manmade.That works for me.
What a moron. You were ordered to believe that by some other scientifically illiterate warmizombie who bent you over furniture ... and you OBEYED with a "That works for me."

There is no science supporting Global Warming. There is only Church clergy doing your thinking for you and telling you what to believe.


I certainly do not drop what scientistists say and adopt what some right wingers and Trump say.
You refer to any person who is reaming misinformation into you as a "Yes! YES! You're a scientist! YES!" and you regurgitate whatever violations of physics you are so instructed.

The evidence is clear and piling up.
So, you were told to believe that there is mounting evidence of violations of the laws of thermodynamics? Did you ever ask to see any? You are exactly the type of scientifically illiterate moron that Global Warming recruiters target because you are so stupid that you'll believe whatever you are told to believe without question ... even that some brain-dead warmizombie is a "scientist" and that planet earth can spontaneously increase in temperature without additional energy ... just because you were told that itis to what all the "thmart people" agree.

You deserve the Democrat Party. Enjoy!

L - O - S - E - R
What a moron. You were ordered to believe that by some other scientifically illiterate warmizombie who bent you over furniture ... and you OBEYED with a "That works for me."

There is no science supporting Global Warming. There is only Church clergy doing your thinking for you and telling you what to believe.


You refer to any person who is reaming misinformation into you as a "Yes! YES! You're a scientist! YES!" and you regurgitate whatever violations of physics you are so instructed.

So, you were told to believe that there is mounting evidence of violations of the laws of thermodynamics? Did you ever ask to see any? You are exactly the type of scientifically illiterate moron that Global Warming recruiters target because you are so stupid that you'll believe whatever you are told to believe without question ... even that some brain-dead warmizombie is a "scientist" and that planet earth can spontaneously increase in temperature without additional energy ... just because you were told that itis to what all the "thmart people" agree.

You deserve the Democrat Party. Enjoy!

L - O - S - E - R

That was rude and insulting, and snarky. Yes, I take the opinions of scientists over a dumb shit like Trump and the oddball scientists that runs against the overwhelming opinions of the body of science. Of course, I do. I would be stupid not too. This is not new science. It has built up for a couple of generations. Damn, right I accept them over the opinions of the few . Just because you barf up right-wing crap and are proud of it, does not sway me at all.
That was rude and insulting, and snarky. Yes, I take the opinions of scientists over a dumb shit like Trump and the oddball scientists that runs against the overwhelming opinions of the body of science. Of course, I do. I would be stupid not too. This is not new science. It has built up for a couple of generations. Damn, right I accept them over the opinions of the few . Just because you barf up right-wing crap and are proud of it, does not sway me at all.

The same scientists who claim that there is no chance that this bug came out of a lab, much less was made by Chinese.

Yes, I take the opinions of scientists over a dumb shit like Trump and the oddball scientists that runs against the overwhelming opinions of the body of science.
What makes you such a moron is the fact that nobody ever pulled you aside and told you that science isn't subjective, i.e. that it isimply isn't a matter of anyone's opinion. I mean, who grows into adulthood thinking that science is just someone's opinion? Well, apparently you. Let's examine that. You take the OPINIONS of people when discussing science. That meets every single requirement to be a moron.

Hint: When discussung science, you take NO ONE's opinion.

So you are dying to know what you are supposed to do, seeing as how you are scientifically illiterate and all. Answer: You pull out the pertinent science and you apply it. Easy-peezy lemon-squeezy.

On that note, when someone says "the overwhelming opinions of the body of science" you respond "Hey moron, there aren't any opinions in the body of science. There is only science."

When someone refers to "scientific data" you respond "Hey moron, there's no such thing as any data that is "scientific." There is only data.

When someone refers to "scientific studies" you respond "Hey moron, there's no such thing as a "scientific" study. There are only studies.

Science is science and only science is science ... and there isn't any supporting Global Warming. And yes, you richly deserve to be mocked and ridiculed for never having paid attention in school. You should have learned all this by the time you were twelve and yet you see fit to imagine yourself as some sort of Einstein that you decide who is correct and who isn't. Who convinced you that you were really a science genius that can determine what is science and what is not when you well know that you are entirely relegated to just taking other people on their word for whatever they tell you?

You had better come to grips with being seen as a complete and utter moron until you start showing that you can actually think for yourself. Thus far you have failed miserably in that regard. You are totally brain-dead.

You really should be asking yourself "So why do I believe in that Global Warming crap? Is it only because I have been instructed to do so?" And then you should prepare yourself for a "Yes" answer. The only other people who believe your religion are other brain-dead warmizombies who are just as gullible as you are.

... so you think the Democrat platform is science. Too funny.
What we now call progressivism is, the label having been captured by the Marxists critical race theory driving Victim Culture Cult who are illiberal authoritarians who are driving us to UTOPIA without our consent .

I however refuse to give up the claim that I am a progressive.

So how are you not Marxist?
That was rude and insulting, and snarky. Yes, I take the opinions of scientists over a dumb shit like Trump and the oddball scientists that runs against the overwhelming opinions of the body of science. Of course, I do. I would be stupid not too. This is not new science. It has built up for a couple of generations. Damn, right I accept them over the opinions of the few . Just because you barf up right-wing crap and are proud of it, does not sway me at all.

Awesome. Name some of your favorite scientists...not named de Grasse Tyson of course.
Oh, pick me! Pick me! The primary requirement to be in the "Leftists" club is solid, unflinching dishonesty. The left is snatching it up like there's no tomorrow. They have long since held a controlling interest but they apparently want to hold exclusive ownership.

Show of hands, can anyone think of a Leftist that isn't totally dishonest regarding politics? Any at all? Don't be surprised because lately no one has.

Of course any Leftist who has any serious aspirations to move upward amongst the ranks has to be abysmal at economics and have some prominent references who will vouch for his scientific illiteracy.

Did you have any other questions?
So your President is a Leftist? What the seating plan in the French Assembly back in the Revolution has to do with American politics escapes me entirely.
Nope. I understand your confusion, however, but most people like yourself who can't really read for comprehension can't form the necessary semantic relationships to make sense of what people write.

The religion on which you were focusing is Global Warming, the preferred religion of the scientifically illiterate. Warmizombies would frenetically destroy all that is good in nature in the name of "saving humanity" if they were ever given the power to do so. Warmizombies are the dumbest fucks who nonetheless are absolutely certain that they are scientific geniuses. They actually ridicule actual scientists who know SO MUCH MORE than they do and who are merely trying to help them and to explain basic science to them. Global Warming worshipers like yourself can't find the asshole out of which you pull your religious beliefs yet you would insist that matter can sponstaneously increase in temperature without additional energy despite everything you learned as a child.

Warmizombies represent everything that should be mocked and ridiculed. Are you volunteering to be first?
Nothing religious about global warming kid - just obvious fact. You are extremely stupid, aren't you!
What makes you such a moron is the fact that nobody ever pulled you aside and told you that science isn't subjective, i.e. that it isimply isn't a matter of anyone's opinion. I mean, who grows into adulthood thinking that science is just someone's opinion? Well, apparently you. Let's examine that. You take the OPINIONS of people when discussing science. That meets every single requirement to be a moron.

Hint: When discussung science, you take NO ONE's opinion.

So you are dying to know what you are supposed to do, seeing as how you are scientifically illiterate and all. Answer: You pull out the pertinent science and you apply it. Easy-peezy lemon-squeezy.

On that note, when someone says "the overwhelming opinions of the body of science" you respond "Hey moron, there aren't any opinions in the body of science. There is only science."

When someone refers to "scientific data" you respond "Hey moron, there's no such thing as any data that is "scientific." There is only data.

When someone refers to "scientific studies" you respond "Hey moron, there's no such thing as a "scientific" study. There are only studies.

Science is science and only science is science ... and there isn't any supporting Global Warming. And yes, you richly deserve to be mocked and ridiculed for never having paid attention in school. You should have learned all this by the time you were twelve and yet you see fit to imagine yourself as some sort of Einstein that you decide who is correct and who isn't. Who convinced you that you were really a science genius that can determine what is science and what is not when you well know that you are entirely relegated to just taking other people on their word for whatever they tell you?

You had better come to grips with being seen as a complete and utter moron until you start showing that you can actually think for yourself. Thus far you have failed miserably in that regard. You are totally brain-dead.

You really should be asking yourself "So why do I believe in that Global Warming crap? Is it only because I have been instructed to do so?" And then you should prepare yourself for a "Yes" answer. The only other people who believe your religion are other brain-dead warmizombies who are just as gullible as you are.

... so you think the Democrat platform is science. Too funny.

Science is pure until a human processes it.
Nothing religious about global warming kid
Global Warming is the preferred religion of the scientifically illiterate. You believe because you were told to by Global Warming clergy who you consider "authority" and not because of any science you understand.

What's funny is the extreme pride demonstrated by the Global Warming congregation in their scientific illiteracy, like it's a badge of honor, like it's what makes them better than all the others that aren't qualified to be members of their Church. Global Warming targets the scientifically illiterate like yourself because smart people immediately call "Bullshit!" at the first sign of violations of physics.

I have started dozens of threads intended for discussing science pertaining to Global Warming over the last decade and they all remain completely devoid of any science because believers don't know any.

Let's talk about you, your scientific illiteracy, your mathemtaical incompetence and how easily you were manipulated into believing Greenhouse Effect simply by convincing you that physics don't apply to earth.