I typed ‘22 but it should be ‘20
I knew what you meant! I am notorious for typos!
I typed ‘22 but it should be ‘20
I typed ‘22 but it should be ‘20
Notice how the scumbag traitor Anatta said ‘we’ storm the peoples house? That makes him an admitted traitor to his country. He should be treated as such. He is beneath contempt.
Has that been verified or is that just near where he claimed to anchor his yacht next to his seaside condo and trophy wife?
Marching down to the Capitol is a common protest. "firing up" is a common methodology for DC protests/
and no it's nott the "last 4 year" i specifically gave the reason -the stolen election -and lack of accountable redress
why is it OK for BLM/ANTIFA to riot ALL SUMMER and destroy countless properties for political purposes
yet "storming the Bastille" is "different"??
No the real reason is political speech is essential to a democracy. nobody has to "instruct me" on that.
It's the bedrock of the Bill of Rights
I dont listen to the shit show on Capitol Hill. The FBI said no conspiracy. until that changes I'm not taking the words of goobers like Liz Cheney on a illegitimate Select Committee where Pelosi appointed all the members
FBI finds no evidence Capitol riot was coordinated
I knew this chowderhead when he used to claim to be a progressive. He had his head firmly inserted in BlackasCoals ass. I guess he thought it would be cool to have a black friend. He is a single, older, a complete loser who bragged he was one of the best paid telephone sales operators in the business. So I'm pretty confident he's still there. He's always been a follower. And as a complete loser it isn't a surprise that Donald Trump would be appealing to him.
Plug your ears up, cover your eyes, and absolutely close your mind to the evidence and the truth. That's a good boy. You confuse protected speech with unprotected chaos and violence. Your source is almost a year old. Mine is from two days ago. Would they charge these goobers with "conspiracy" if there was no conspiracy? Don't read this, either.
'Devastating piece of evidence': Filing reveals a Proud Boys plan to storm buildings Jan. 6
"A document allegedly given to Proud Boys Chairman Henry "Enrique" Tarrio prior to the Jan. 6 insurrection lays out detailed plans to occupy more than half a dozen buildings surrounding the U.S. Capitol and describes tactics to be used by occupiers as they "Storm the Winter Palace."
"The full document titled "1776 Returns," attached as an exhibit in a court filing Wednesday by Tarrio's co-defendant Zachary Rehl, was described by one former federal prosecutor as "an absolutely devastating piece of evidence."
"Tarrio, Rehl and three other members of the extremist group the Proud Boys face multiple felony counts, including seditious conspiracy, the most serious charge resulting from the Jan. 6 insurrection. The defendants are in jail in Washington, D.C., awaiting trial. "
Soooo...he changed his cover story? LOL
Agreed he's a loser. Time will tell how big of a loser he is.
BTW, the NPA is taking applications.
It'll be interesting if evidence can be proved the WSEs planned to assassinate/execute Pence. Everyone who gave money to support these assholes is part of the problem. I have faith the Justice department, with the full support of the American people, will hunt down these terrorists and traitors then drag them before justice.
He said he lived in Orlando , his sister used to work at disney , but she had a kidney transplant and he and his mother had to move in with her
If I had been one who donated money and/or corresponded with these traitors, I would be very uneasy about now. The feds can trace those donations, and have been monitoring those communications.
A seditious conspiracy to overthrow America's duly elected government should concern even Republicans. Or so I assumed.
For the sake of discussion let me ask this. Democrats claim Republicans cheat every election that we win. They're full of sh*t but they make the claim. Would it have been ok if they had done this in the past or do this in the future?
Apart from being incensed by the behavior of small number of idiots I’m trying to have a good evening.
Spot on with the pushing though. Trump supporters have been quietly seething for some time—just over the bullshit that went on the past four years. And apparently gotten away with, over the last four years.
This election did it. It’s not surprising in that sense.
Desh makes that claim daily, if not more often.