Storm the Bastille

Nope. I just hate your interpretation of it.

What's to interpret??

A democracy is government by popular vote. It has no constitution. No representatives. No protections at all for minority views. It is an unstable form of government. It usually dissolves pretty quickly into an oligarchy or dictatorship as one faction gains control and keeps it.

A republic is government by law (a constitution). It has representatives, who are given power according to that constitution. The method of electing them is also given by that constitution. Only those who created the constitution, and the agent that the constitution establishes (a government) can modify that constitution. The agent created by that constitution cannot modify, or delete the constitution that defines that agent.

A constitution is a contract. It creates a government according that contract and establishes agreements among the creators of that constitution.

In the case of the Constitution of the United States, the States created it. Only they can change it, interpret it, or destroy it (and thus dissolve the federal government). The federal government cannot interpret, change, or destroy the Constitution.

The current 'federal' government is not a republic. It is an oligarchy. It ignores the Constitution of the United States. This has especially been acute since the coup by Democrats.

There are some that occasionally surface in government that supports this Constitution. This includes a few Senators, a few Representatives in the House, occasionally some Supreme Court justices, and, of course, former President Trump.
What's to interpret??

A democracy is government by popular vote. It has no constitution. No representatives. No protections at all for minority views. It is an unstable form of government. It usually dissolves pretty quickly into an oligarchy or dictatorship as one faction gains control and keeps it.

A republic is government by law (a constitution). It has representatives, who are given power according to that constitution. The method of electing them is also given by that constitution. Only those who created the constitution, and the agent that the constitution establishes (a government) can modify that constitution. The agent created by that constitution cannot modify, or delete the constitution that defines that agent.

A constitution is a contract. It creates a government according that contract and establishes agreements among the creators of that constitution.

In the case of the Constitution of the United States, the States created it. Only they can change it, interpret it, or destroy it (and thus dissolve the federal government). The federal government cannot interpret, change, or destroy the Constitution.

The current 'federal' government is not a republic. It is an oligarchy. It ignores the Constitution of the United States. This has especially been acute since the coup by Democrats.

There are some that occasionally surface in government that supports this Constitution. This includes a few Senators, a few Representatives in the House, occasionally some Supreme Court justices, and, of course, former President Trump.

Your the nazi clown ass

The Nazi's made their bones by absolutely demonizing ALL Jews. Not just some Jews,...not just Jewish leadership,...but ALL , EACH AND EVERY JEW. YOU do the exact same thing every single day in here when it comes to Republicans Desh. EVERY FUCKING DAY. Just substitute the word Jew for Republican and you are in perfect GOOSE STEP with the Nazis. You have done it so much that there is no hiding it or denying it. Its all right here for everyone to see what you have done. Yes Desh,......YOU ARE THE NAZI.
This is the part where Desh and a few others come in and say that ALL Republicans deserve to be treated that way.....LOL Thus proving my point. You have to understand,.... were not dealing with the smartest of people here.

You claim to run 18-20 companies while posting nearly 24,000 posts in 3 years.

Do you really believe that anyone believes this BS?

You claimed that President Trump had not filed a Federal Financial Report and that presidential candidates don't have to file one.

Both are wrong.

I just feel bad for you right now.

The Nazi's made their bones by absolutely demonizing ALL Jews. Not just some Jews,...not just Jewish leadership,...but ALL , EACH AND EVERY JEW. YOU do the exact same thing every single day in here when it comes to Republicans Desh. EVERY FUCKING DAY. Just substitute the word Jew for Republican and you are in perfect GOOSE STEP with the Nazis. You have done it so much that there is no hiding it or denying it. Its all right here for everyone to see what you have done. Yes Desh,......YOU ARE THE NAZI.

Hate to break it to ya, but there are no Nazis. This isn't Germany and this isn't WW2.

That said...

The Nazi party were fascists. That means they believed in socialism, where government manipulates industries, rather than owning them outright (as in communism). Karl Marx argued that fascism is a stepping stone on the way to communism. In this regard, he is right. That's exactly what it is.

Like any socialism, it can only survive by theft of wealth. It often runs in parallel with capitalism somewhere nearby (the only economic system that CREATES wealth). Without capitalism, socialism has no place to steal from.

People don't like government theft. They will repel it if they can. The only way to implement socialism (either fascism or communism or slavery) is through oligarchies and dictatorships. An oligarchy is what our federal government has become. It no longer recognizes the constitution that created it. Much of this is by Democrats, but RINO and/or weak Republicans are to blame as well.

That constitution was created by the States. It will be they, if anyone, that will restore it.

I fear war is brewing. Keep yer powder dry. The nation hasn't been this polarized since the War of Secession (what most people call the 'Civil War', even though it wasnt). This coming war will not only be a true civil war, it will be religiously based, the worst kind of war.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope a peaceful solution can be found. More and more Democrats (and Biden himself) call for civil war. They think they are the majority, when they are really just a very loud and obnoxious tiny minority. Many of them have hoplophobia (fear of guns). I suppose that fear is justified, considering the shit they are trying to start.
When I see Trump in Levansworth ,I'll be fine

And when you dont you will simply have to find a way to COPE. Maybe a nice trip to Copenhagen is in order? They have some very nice high end whores there that have helped many a man find a way to cope. :cool:
And when you dont you will simply have to find a way to COPE. Maybe a nice trip to Copenhagen is in order? They have some very nice high end whores there that have helped many a man find a way to cope. :cool:

Whores won't help him cope (he couldn't perform anyway). Find a pee tape, and maybe.....
Hate to break it to ya, but there are no Nazis. This isn't Germany and this isn't WW2.

That said...

The Nazi party were fascists. That means they believed in socialism, where government manipulates industries, rather than owning them outright (as in communism). Karl Marx argued that fascism is a stepping stone on the way to communism. In this regard, he is right. That's exactly what it is.

Like any socialism, it can only survive by theft of wealth. It often runs in parallel with capitalism somewhere nearby (the only economic system that CREATES wealth). Without capitalism, socialism has no place to steal from.

People don't like government theft. They will repel it if they can. The only way to implement socialism (either fascism or communism or slavery) is through oligarchies and dictatorships. An oligarchy is what our federal government has become. It no longer recognizes the constitution that created it. Much of this is by Democrats, but RINO and/or weak Republicans are to blame as well.

That constitution was created by the States. It will be they, if anyone, that will restore it.

I fear war is brewing. Keep yer powder dry. The nation hasn't been this polarized since the War of Secession (what most people call the 'Civil War', even though it wasnt). This coming war will not only be a true civil war, it will be religiously based, the worst kind of war.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope a peaceful solution can be found. More and more Democrats (and Biden himself) call for civil war. They think they are the majority, when they are really just a very loud and obnoxious tiny minority. Many of them have hoplophobia (fear of guns). I suppose that fear is justified, considering the shit they are trying to start.

You say the dumbest shit. No Nazis in America. Rockwell founded the modern Njazt party in 1959. It still exists in many states as Charlottesville should have shown you. You are a noise maker. Naziism is not socilaist. It is a marriage of corporations, the wealthy, and an extreme right-wing party.
The states created the Constitution. That was because the articles of Confederation were too weak and we needed a more central government to hold the country together. There is no logic in saying states can and would change it. That time is way past.
The Dems, all of them, are absolutely not calling for Civil War, Just like you just did, it is rightys who are pushing it. You have so much so wrong.