Stormy Daniels’ attorney taunts Trump with promise of more evidence

If Stormy lied about this, why did she sign a non disclosure agreement, and WHY was she paid $130,000. Those are 2 questions you just cant answer.

If she wasn't lying about the affair, why did she sign statements saying she never had one?? You really are too stupid and gullible for words.
Are you saying the whole affair has been forgotten already by 22 million people?

Of course not; there are still miserable pathetic leftist who watch CNN and MSNBC and get their daily doses of stupid and Trump bashing. I am not sure their viewership totals 22 million however.
Are you saying the whole affair has been forgotten already by 22 million people?

Of course not. It's probably the same 22 million that buy that trash at supermarket checkouts.
But I'm not one to judge. If you think Jen hooking up with Brad is important news... then whatever floats your boat.
You still haven't explained the NDA and the $130,000.

Dear FOOL; they are self explanatory. Someone wanted to ensure that Stormy would keep whatever relations she had with the Trump man personal and not spread it all over the internet. She agreed to it and signed a Non-Disparagement Agreement for payment of $130K. This all occurred before the election. Stormy, like many other brain dead liberals thought she had gotten a deal because....wait for it....Hillary was sure to win.

After Trump won, shocked, Stormy felt ripped off because had she held out, now her silence would be worth a whole lot more. She then went to a worthless partisan scum bag ambulance chaser attorney who lied to her and claimed he could get her out of the agreement and that she can continue breaching the agreement at her hearts content. After all, in dumbfuck land, contracts don't mean anything and can be breached at will.

Did I leave anything out that leaves any doubt in that low IQ brain of yours what this is about?

Those two things prove that she told the truth.

The fact that she signed three previous statements claiming there was no sex suggest the opposite and that she is a liar and opportunist.
While I have absolutely no interest in who sleeps with whom, married or not, I find the hypocrisy from the Evangelicals/Right/Republicans silence over Trump's numerous affairs and adultery hilarious considering how they rake Dems\Liberals etc over the coals while accusing them of being immoral and not fit for public office.

Fucking hypocrites.

what a shitbag you just proved to be

Trump is not a family values politician. He didn't run on that premise.

So the real hypocrisy is the left trying to use a consensual relationship to hurt his base.
Was it just 2 consenting adults between Clinton and Lewinski, just no big deal?

Clinton was impeached for lying about it, so apparently it was a Big Deal to him. His State Bar also pulled his law license for lying, so it was a Big Deal to them too...