Stringfield is a corporation

And the way to deal with this is to Amend the constitution. Some of the founders believed there should have been a thirteenth Amendment offered in the Bill of Rights (yes, there were twelve offered, 10 were ratified back then, one was ratified later in the 1990s, I think, and one on Congressional Appointments remains pending) that would make it so Corporations didn't have this kind of right. Maybe you should work to offer that one now.

You do it. Since you're so constructive.:good4u:
Personally I understand that some people (in fact many) are upset about this, however I understand that with rights like this you give up some government protection. We chose to limit government this way, and not the other.

You are the one up in arms about other people exercising first amendment rights, you and people who think like you should do it.
The last bubble is green stuff so they can get control of all energy, to strangle out the people not integrated into the new world order. they want to make getting off the grid impossible before they collapse the economy and round us up.
Personally I understand that some people (in fact many) are upset about this, however I understand that with rights like this you give up some government protection. We chose to limit government this way, and not the other.

You are the one up in arms about other people exercising first amendment rights, you and people who think like you should do it.

So you don't think it's a good idea? Or you're apathetic or what?
I'm more apathetic. I don't think that there is a way to protect people from willing ignorance. I think it may be too much banging my head against that wall. Your turn.

I think it's more like criminality and betrayal by leadership and authority figures preying on the general good nature of non-pschopaths, but you keep spinning the lie.:good4u:
Technically, it's shirking national security to allow foreign investment to this extent. Technically is mishandling the stated goals of fed policy (full employment) to bail out banksters instead of the broad middle class of america.

All of these people can be removed.
If our nation is just a pesky old fashioned abstraction, then so is it's government and all it's treaties.

We all are free.
I can't speak for them; but it might be, because you're an idiot and it's a waste of time to respond to you. :palm:

Except I say the truths nobody dares to speak. Instead of thinking clearly they spend their time brainwashing themselves even harder into the elitist lies they mistake for wisdom.