Student, 21, was so drunk 'he was on the point of madness' when he fried hamster

I remember reading somewhere that boiling lobsters doesn't actually hurt them, so if thats true its no where near equal to needlessly frying up a live hamster. I hope the kid dies in a house fire.
Well, there is some debate about the cruelty of such things. But a hamster has a much more advanced neural system than a fish or a lobster in any case.

Funny how this solicits angst among some here while drilling a hole in the skull of a human and sucking its brains out, not so much.
I remember reading somewhere that boiling lobsters doesn't actually hurt them, so if thats true its no where near equal to needlessly frying up a live hamster. I hope the kid dies in a house fire.

They don't feel pain at least in the human sense, however some chefs recommend putting the lobster in a fridge for half hour first.