Study Finds One-Third in D.C. Illiterate

I don't think there is any relations regarding red vs blue....

many blue states do well, but when you look at the blue states with big cities and look at the graduation rates in those big cities, they are abysmal...
I thknk a student exchange program with the middle east would be good, would make it less likely for us to attack each other and eventually bring understanding.

we could even make it a voucher thing so the rpeublicans would like it ;)

Its a great idea, USC. Americans are very sheltered, and need to learn more about the world. And arabs too: so they see weren't not all christian crusadors, bent on stealing their oil.
Also LadyT, it would help preapre children to live in a global business type of world.

Perhaps the first step is to require 1 yr of exchange student work to get your MBA.
then later your BA, then your HS diploma....

Or at the very least a 6 week summer course. I do think our education problems can be solved. I just really think we need to look at things differently.

#1) The benefits of same sex education
#2) Perhaps its time we take a hard and uncomfortable look at requiring kids to stay in school until they are adults. I know its not a popular idea, but the truth is that teachers really have no means of discipline and unruly kids that don't want to be there are taking up resourses and time from kids that want to learn. IMO, those kids need to be put first.
#3) Getting kids that are in poor urban areas that are over run with violence and a chance to get out of that environment.
#4) Foreign exchanges
#5) I like the idea of uniforms too.