Study finds people who multitask often bad at it

She folding on automatic (mucle memory).
that may be true.

Shes not really paying attenhtion to the Nascar (hope I didnt ruin the romance there)
Oh no, trust me, She's definately paying attention to NASCAR. She's just plain wacko about NASCAR. She's Jimmy Johnson's biggest fan. Most people are really quite surprised that she's a NASCAR fan as she's not exactly a typical fan.

Shes not listening to her girlfriend on the phone she is actually thinking about the grocery list.
It's not her GF, it's her 5 yo nephew Mikey and she's jabbering away 100 words/min.

The yelling at you is just the fun part for her because she is tired of paying so much money for the beer she just wrote on the list for you.
BEER ON THE GROCERY LIST? That will be the day. No, she's yelling at me to get of my lazy dead ass and help her fold the clothes. (so much for muscle memory)