Study finds that whites think they're losing a zero-sum game

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

A 2011 study called “Whites See Racism as a Zero-Sum Game That They Are Now Losing“ is painfully instructive.

It found that many white people see Black and brown people’s advances as a loss for themselves.

They see it as damaging their dominant status, and in the modern global economy that seems to be true: White Americans are losing their jobs to people in other nations who will work for less, and because of that it feels like America is losing its dominant status.

So while Trump is leading a coalition that includes a lot of the people won by George Wallace and by the Southern Strategy, his preferred villains are non-white people.

He’s winning the South by focusing on racial divisions in the context of a modern global economy.
I could see myself one day supporting a White Lives Matter movement. I believe white men should be proud of who they are and where they’ve come from. The concept of white pride has been ruined by white supremacists because they’ve made it something that’s necessarily hierarchical — white pride as part of asserting racial superiority.

Why can he not support one now? He admits that a few white people, very few, have made it so that the rest of the 99% of white cannot be proud of their whiteness, because non whites and white far left liberals want to hold an entire group responsible for the actions and beliefs of 1% of a group. These same people will deride those who hold all muslims responsible for the actions of a few.

Doesn't that seem hypocritical?
Why can he not support one now? He admits that a few white people, very few, have made it so that the rest of the 99% of white cannot be proud of their whiteness, because non whites and white far left liberals want to hold an entire group responsible for the actions and beliefs of 1% of a group. These same people will deride those who hold all muslims responsible for the actions of a few.

Doesn't that seem hypocritical?

I would be interested in a response to this post Patriotic American.

I'll understand if you can't.

A 2011 study called “Whites See Racism as a Zero-Sum Game That They Are Now Losing“ is painfully instructive.

It found that many white people see Black and brown people’s advances as a loss for themselves.

They see it as damaging their dominant status, and in the modern global economy that seems to be true: White Americans are losing their jobs to people in other nations who will work for less, and because of that it feels like America is losing its dominant status.

So while Trump is leading a coalition that includes a lot of the people won by George Wallace and by the Southern Strategy, his preferred villains are non-white people.

He’s winning the South by focusing on racial divisions in the context of a modern global economy.

They are ignorant and afraid.
They are ignorant and afraid.

Are you black or brown Leon? If not then why do you and other whites presume to always know what is best for minorities, to my mind that is the very pinnacle of condescension. I realise that this is an argument that you will find way above your pay grade, so I don't expect anything rational as a response.
Are you black or brown Leon? If not then why do you and other whites presume to always know what is best for minorities, to my mind that is the very pinnacle of condescension. I realise that this is an argument that you will find way above your pay grade, so I don't expect anything rational as a response.

I listen to people who are minorities and gather what thatthey want from what they say. It is simple.
Are you black or brown Leon? If not then why do you and other whites presume to always know what is best for minorities, to my mind that is the very pinnacle of condescension. I realise that this is an argument that you will find way above your pay grade, so I don't expect anything rational as a response.

The pigmentation of my skin should be irrelevant to any conversations I may have with anyone here.
Unless,of course, they are racists.

Poor Borbo.
I listen to people who are minorities and gather what thatthey want from what they say. It is simple.

So they are incapable of fighting their own battles, is that it? I do marvel at the way people like you and Leon Twat are so condescending and claim to speak for a whole group or groups because you spoke to a few of them!!
Why can he not support one now? He admits that a few white people, very few, have made it so that the rest of the 99% of white cannot be proud of their whiteness, because non whites and white far left liberals want to hold an entire group responsible for the actions and beliefs of 1% of a group. These same people will deride those who hold all muslims responsible for the actions of a few.

Doesn't that seem hypocritical?

What I want to know is why skin color is something people are proud/not proud of. It's not like any of us had a choice.
Are you black or brown Leon? If not then why do you and other whites presume to always know what is best for minorities, to my mind that is the very pinnacle of condescension. I realise that this is an argument that you will find way above your pay grade, so I don't expect anything rational as a response.

He expounds on his ignorance by proclaiming those who have liberal political beliefs can't be racist. A dead give away that his "concern" is just a front for partisanship.
He expounds on his ignorance by proclaiming those who have liberal political beliefs can't be racist. A dead give away that his "concern" is just a front for partisanship.

Show where I ever said that cwacko. I will understand when you come up , as usual , with nothing .
Should be, but in the US it isn't though.

Legion/Leon shows his ignorance again. In theory, yes, it shouldn't matter what race someone is when having a discussion on here. But in the liberal reality that he subscribes to he benefits from white privilege so if he is speaking to a minority the minority would not be racist for bringing up the pigmentation of his skin and the advantages Legion Leon has as a result which color his positions.

Alas, we know Legion Leon is just a troll so we wouldn't receive coherent arguments from him. Just more Desh like proclamations that everybody is racist but him.


Although some have heralded recent political and cultural developments as signaling the arrival of a post-racial era in America, several legal and social controversies regarding "reverse racism" highlight Whites' increasing concern about anti-White bias.

We show that this emerging belief reflects Whites' view of racism as a zero-sum game, such that decreases in perceived bias against Blacks over the past six decades are associated with increases in perceived bias against Whites-a relationship not observed in Blacks' perceptions.

Moreover, these changes in Whites' conceptions of racism are extreme enough that Whites have now come to view anti-White bias as a bigger societal problem than anti-Black bias.


Norton, Michael I., and Samuel R. Sommers. "Whites See Racism as a Zero-Sum Game That They Are Now Losing." Perspectives on Psychological Science 6 (2011): 215–218.
Well don't act like a red necked hillbilly and you shouldn't have a problem. I have little patience with those who use race to hide behind their inability to adapt to current changes.