Study finds that whites think they're losing a zero-sum game

Why should they have to fight their own battles all on their own? Everyone should pitch in to the universal cause of justice. It is not only a task for those who have been treated unjustly.

Seem to me that you are saying they are incapable of doing anything unless white men like you get involved. Actually what exactly have you done anyway apart from fulminating on an obscure forum? I'm sure there are more than a few racists in good ol' Mississippi, have you given any a piece of your mind?
Legion/Leon shows his ignorance again. In theory, yes, it shouldn't matter what race someone is when having a discussion on here. But in the liberal reality that he subscribes to he benefits from white privilege so if he is speaking to a minority the minority would not be racist for bringing up the pigmentation of his skin and the advantages Legion Leon has as a result which color his positions.

Alas, we know Legion Leon is just a troll so we wouldn't receive coherent arguments from him. Just more Desh like proclamations that everybody is racist but him.
Man up Rune and state what your issue is with this post instead of hiding behind your groan key.
Well don't act like a red necked hillbilly and you shouldn't have a problem. I have little patience with those who use race to hide behind their inability to adapt to current changes.

I have a big problem with people on the Left who see racism everywhere and use it as a stick to beat others over the head. New Labour used exactly those tactics in the UK to shut down discussion of their disastrous immigration policies in the early 2000s. Now the genie is out of the bottle and they don't like it one little bit. I suggest that you read this excellent article in the Spectator written by Chinese Singaporean living in England.
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