Study: Teen Drug Use at Schools Worsens

seeking more approval from the lib sad...Mr.Nam vet...I just gave my opinion based on anyway ya want...ya can run but can't hide from the truth..face it you are addicted...akin to Elvis,Paris,Rush and all the guts man!

that is the key based on your experience. I have degenerative spinal disease. you got that ?

Yep I would like to be your DR. come in witha a leg cut off. suck it up bud and take two aspirins.
Glad I did not have to serve under you in nam. you might not have come back....
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Okay babe....

As if, your pain is the same amount as everyone's. You are such a jackass.

Whatever you say...I was rated as a 10 on the it is down to 4...with hard work and perserverance...the mind can overcome alot..if you really want it....I only receive a 20 percent VA disabilty you know what I suffered...I think not as you base opinons on college experience and such...usc just wants a girl because he is lacking in his self serving life...'oh poor me'...sorry hun I am not your kinda guy...I learned from the pros 'My Parents...WWII era kind!
Whatever you say...I was rated as a 10 on the it is down to 4...with hard work and perserverance...the mind can overcome alot..if you really want it....I only receive a 20 percent VA disabilty you know what I suffered...I think not as you base opinons on college experience and such...usc just wants a girl because he is lacking in his self serving life...'oh poor me'...sorry hun I am not your kinda guy...I learned from the pros 'My Parents...WWII era kind!

You are incredibly self centered BB.

that is the key based on your experience. I have degenerative spinal disease. you got that ?

Yep I would like to be your DR. come in witha a leg cut off. suck it up bud and take two aspirins.
Glad I did not have to serve under you in nam. you might not have come back....

among other work related injuries on the job...nice try 'oh poor me!'
Whatever you say...I was rated as a 10 on the it is down to 4...with hard work and perserverance...the mind can overcome alot..if you really want it....I only receive a 20 percent VA disabilty you know what I suffered...I think not as you base opinons on college experience and such...usc just wants a girl because he is lacking in his self serving life...'oh poor me'...sorry hun I am not your kinda guy...I learned from the pros 'My Parents...WWII era kind!

Why are you always telling me your not my kind of guy? Do you think I see us as one cute couple?

I was just telling someone this morning that Runyon has a better chance of getting on my "JPP posters I would do" list. And she has a 0 chance herself. That puts you at a below 0 chance, get it?

You better get real.
Then it wasn't...........

work related injuries ???? you must be boozin again...
I get ZERO money for my disability and pain.

work related...a error on your personal care...get real you are a druggie trying to get sympathy...and relating to Nam as the sad!
Hey BB if so much pain how do you do boats, planes and 4 wheelers ?
I think you have trapped yourself in a big lie.

I would be on a stretcher after riding a 4 wheeler.
How dumb can you be...........

Just ignore him he's an idiot.

And, as if, any doctor would call beer the nectar of the gods, and tell you to drink a few (that he admits to) a day.

Right. A regular health freak he is.

I was giving humor...however ask 'Thorn'...or any MD...a couple of beers or wine per day is good for the heart and other properties of the body...I may have failed at pre-med in college and went to Criminal Justice..but I did remember alot!

and darla you are the one to appearing in 'Girls gone wild' rates you as a expert on sexual issue and such...give us all a break!
I was giving humor...however ask 'Thorn'...or any MD...a couple of beers or wine per day is good for the heart and other properties of the body...I may have failed at pre-med in college and went to Criminal Justice..but I did remember alot!

and darla you are the one to appearing in 'Girls gone wild' rates you as a expert on sexual issue and such...give us all a break!

I never appeared on Girls Gone wild you incredible moron.

Beer is what is going to kill you, that and your passion for red meat.
work related...a error on your personal care...get real you are a druggie trying to get sympathy...and relating to Nam as the sad!

You ingnorant prick! I never alluded to nam as being the cuase of my back problem or any other physical problem.

I dare you to find any post that indicates otherwise.
Double dog dare you.
come on prick back up your lies.
Teenagers say drug problems at school are getting worse, and parents express doubts about ever making such schools drug free, a new study says.

I'd be smoking some dope too, if I had to spend 75% of my time in school prepping for some State-mandated test, like they do these days.
