Hamas and Hezbollah are evil done pathetic.
Those Palestinian Children, are just sad, pathetic, indoctrinated Terrorists. They need to die. Sorry. The world needs peace and prosperity. You lose.
Human shields need to not work anymore, for the sake of the Rest-of-Us.
Sad, Really sad.
But then, the Palestinian claims are pathetic too.
20K dead kids. Bull shit!
I watched the arson, assault, rape, torture, and murder on Oct 07, it wasn't the Israeli's.
Live by Terrorism, watch your children die. Learn from it! Assholes!
Terrorist get ZERO sympathy from ME!
Watch your children die and learn something important! We don't give a shit about you! We care about TRUE PEACE!
Why don't you launch a few more thousand rockets, you terrorist Assholes, and see what it earns you!