Suck It Cawacko!

Your precious USC got FACED.

If Bama beats Georgia now, we're in the top 3 at least. Maybe #1.

Hey seriously Epicurus, I may respect you a lot but i will fucking beat your ass. This is fucking bullshit. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like Desh and she found out the Democratic party might have done something wrong. But unlike her I cannot escape reality and therefore I must deal with us losing.

Epic, I gotta say this puts us in a great spot if we take GA.

Its a very young team to take on the road and try and run the table, but its certainly possible now.

CA, I gotta say your team didn't look sharp at all. At least in the first half. Being in Atlanta I didn't stay up to see them score.
Epic, I gotta say this puts us in a great spot if we take GA.

Its a very young team to take on the road and try and run the table, but its certainly possible now.

CA, I gotta say your team didn't look sharp at all. At least in the first half. Being in Atlanta I didn't stay up to see them score.

Hey Solitary its been real. I really really hope I don't wake up in the morning. This was not a good loss.
Hey Solitary its been real. I really really hope I don't wake up in the morning. This was not a good loss.

Nah, its what makes college football great. Hey, my team got beat by UL-Monroe last year.

USC still gets to whip a lotta folks
Now my question is how far does USC fall.

They got manhandled by a team that was 1-2 coming in. But I bet the pollsters still have them in the top 10.
they will still be in the top ten. But hopefully below 6 and not able to claw their way back in. At this point, no way do they even match up vs the top sec team with 2 losses at the end of the year.
they will still be in the top ten. But hopefully below 6 and not able to claw their way back in. At this point, no way do they even match up vs the top sec team with 2 losses at the end of the year.

I think Bama, LSU, GA or FL would beat them badly.

Now I am just getting fired up for the game tomorrow. Gonna be a slobberknocker!
Wow I got up this morning and saw that there was indeed an Oregon State Cleat stuck firmly in the ass of the (former number 1) USC Trojans. How hung over are you this morning Carwacko?
Wow I got up this morning and saw that there was indeed an Oregon State Cleat stuck firmly in the ass of the (former number 1) USC Trojans. How hung over are you this morning Carwacko?

I think it's interesting that we are being told it's the end of the world as we know it, and Cawacko says that he hopes he doesn't wake up in the morning because of a football game.

Men are so stupid and then they tell us, you should give us all your money and let us take care of this thing.

Who's stupider? The fool, or the fools who follow him?
Indeed we are that stupid and more. I stayed up till 11 to watch it and was soo jacked up that the toe fu eaters lost that it took me a couple hours to crash.
I think it's interesting that we are being told it's the end of the world as we know it, and Cawacko says that he hopes he doesn't wake up in the morning because of a football game.

Men are so stupid and then they tell us, you should give us all your money and let us take care of this thing.

Who's stupider? The fool, or the fools who follow him?

I was amazed to see your name on a football thread, Darla. Now not so amazed.

There are idiots on both sides of the gender fence.

Make you a deal, you don't lump me in with Dixie or Ca, and I won't lump you in with Palin or Mrs. McCain.

Sound like a good deal?
Wow I got up this morning and saw that there was indeed an Oregon State Cleat stuck firmly in the ass of the (former number 1) USC Trojans. How hung over are you this morning Carwacko?

Just woke up after two hours of sleep. I sit around five UCLA Bruins. There is no way I can go to work. They would rather lose than have USC win that's how bad they are. I'm still drunk so I don't feel bad (yet). Next time I wake up may not be so good.
Just woke up after two hours of sleep. I sit around five UCLA Bruins. There is no way I can go to work. They would rather lose than have USC win that's how bad they are. I'm still drunk so I don't feel bad (yet). Next time I wake up may not be so good.

Getting the UCLA fans to shutup is easy.

Stop on your way to work and buy a BYU shirt or hat.
I think it's interesting that we are being told it's the end of the world as we know it, and Cawacko says that he hopes he doesn't wake up in the morning because of a football game.

Men are so stupid and then they tell us, you should give us all your money and let us take care of this thing.

Who's stupider? The fool, or the fools who follow him?

Does USC have a bailout plan ?
Epic that wasn't very mature.
Cawacky, Pete Carroll is gayer than Clay Akin.
LOL My team name for trivia night at the pub last night was "Clay Aiken Is Gay... No One Saw That One Coming." There were a bunch of Oregon haters sitting near me and pissed that USC was losing.