There are definitely a number of "brave souls" like me who are simply not bothering to comply with the nonsense, but most begrudgingly don it out of fear of punishment (or because they feel virtuous for doing so) yet they bitch and moan about having to wear it. Even the liberals who I work with have said that they don't actually want to wear it, yet they still vote for the Demonkkkrats who are oppressing them and they still believe what the TV tells them to believe... I've tried gently leading them towards seeing the light, but unfortunately they are reprobate individuals who are stuck in the darkness of their own making, thus I cannot be of any help to them.
Another coworker of mine (who doesn't work in the office, but has to swing by once a week) likes to purposely razz them with his conservative views and get them fired up, but his efforts to educate them have not worked either, so I don't really bother with it because, like I said, those individuals are stuck in the darkness of their own making. For one example, one of them realized that the media lied to them about the George Floyd case (because they watched all of the court proceedings), yet they still thought it was good that Chauvin was convicted on all counts and won't ask the question "what else is the media lying to me about?"...