There are people who are really good at retaining information. They sometimes go to college and end up retaining many facts and are still incapable of having an independant thought.
There are people who go to the school of life and retain only the things that are useful and can never look at situation without having an independant thought.
Between these two types there are many other classifications.
Yes I have run acrossed Professors who were complete assholes (I have one for an uncle) But the fast majority of the professors I had were complete individuals who had very well rounded lifes and were very interesting an good people.
I have known people with little formal education who were Very Smart and could solve most any prediciment you could imagine.
The truth is I have known many more very smart, independent minded, creative, problem solving people who had higher educations than the other way arround.
Edumacation does not make you stupid , the inability to understand how and why its used makes you stupid.
Why is it so many republicans hate people with educations?
There are people who go to the school of life and retain only the things that are useful and can never look at situation without having an independant thought.
Between these two types there are many other classifications.
Yes I have run acrossed Professors who were complete assholes (I have one for an uncle) But the fast majority of the professors I had were complete individuals who had very well rounded lifes and were very interesting an good people.
I have known people with little formal education who were Very Smart and could solve most any prediciment you could imagine.
The truth is I have known many more very smart, independent minded, creative, problem solving people who had higher educations than the other way arround.
Edumacation does not make you stupid , the inability to understand how and why its used makes you stupid.
Why is it so many republicans hate people with educations?