Sunday was the hottest day ever recorded on Earth, scientists say

What on earth would YOU know about it?
More than you, apparently.
But it is accurate to measure a single point's temperature. And then compare it to a baseline for the same timeframe within the year and calculate an ANOMALY (or difference from the baseline).

This is a measure of overall temperature change which can be applied more broadly in terms of geography.
Earth is not a single point.
Are you actually expecting serious answers from me?
Definitely not.
Because that's what I'm giving you but you come on here with this sort of shit which makes me think you are either NOT honest about the discussion or you are simply too ill-informed on the topic that you can't possibly stick to the topic.

No one EXCEPT YOU has indicated that energy is being created. I tried to explain it to you.

Seriously I can stop wasting my time if you are going to continue spouting stupidity. I suggest you learn a bit of science BEFORE you try to tell scientists how to do their jobs.

False equivalent fallacy.


CO2 in the atmosphere, as well as water vapor, CH4, and other so-called "greenhouse" gases have always existed in the atmosphere. The argument isn't about the "industrial complex" but the composition of the atmosphere, the presence of these gasses, their quantities within the atmosphere and their effect on planetary temperature.

Your example is an invalid attempt to discredit an alternative point of view using an example that doesn't hold up.
False equivalent fallacy.


CO2 in the atmosphere, as well as water vapor, CH4, and other so-called "greenhouse" gases have always existed in the atmosphere. The argument isn't about the "industrial complex" but the composition of the atmosphere, the presence of these gasses, their quantities within the atmosphere and their effect on planetary temperature.

Your example is an invalid attempt to discredit an alternative point of view using an example that doesn't hold up.
Lol, noped.
Oh my, just recorded was the hottest day in the modern day history of recording earth's temperatures. I'm literally shaking in my
sandals while I enjoy a nice weather wise day of swimming at a local beach off of the Atlantic Ocean. After going through harsh winter cold days here in New England, I relish the warming days of summer. I doubt any of those so--called rising man-made CO2 increases are doing squat in increasing the 1 percent warming increase that was registered in 100 years or so. If manmade CO2 is the reason why left-nits think the earth's temperature rising is an existential threat to life on earth, then I suggest they
start doing something about it by taking Algore's and John Kerry's CO2 emitting jets away from them. Keep your filthy hands off of my gas guzzling auto, and off of my gas stove. Drill Baby Drill!
False equivalent fallacy.


CO2 in the atmosphere, as well as water vapor, CH4, and other so-called "greenhouse" gases have always existed in the atmosphere. The argument isn't about the "industrial complex" but the composition of the atmosphere, the presence of these gasses, their quantities within the atmosphere and their effect on planetary temperature.

Your example is an invalid attempt to discredit an alternative point of view using an example that doesn't hold up.

Actually their cartoon about the knife was pretty appropriate.

Many denialists like to point to the earth's history of a variable climate as if that is evidence that since things changed in the past that is why they are changing NOW.

But that's not even marginally correct. IN FACT the study of earth's past climates (Paleoclimatology) helps us understand how climate changes IN THE ABSENCE of human activity. So that when we look at our CURRENT warming we see that the "natural forcings" don't really line up to explain the CURRENT warming.

In other words: there's a missing factor.

When you bring in human activities like release of gigatons of greenhouse gases suddenly the warming CAN BE EXPLAINED.

SO, YES the earth's climate has changed for a wide range of reasons. Now it is changing and there's a NEW reason that didn't exist millions of years ago and that reason is driving at least 50% of the warming we see if not more.

Yeah, the knife cartoon was spot on.
I doubt any of those so--called rising man-made CO2 increases are doing squat in increasing the 1 percent warming increase that was registered in 100 years or so.

Your "doubts" are of zero value. Unless you talk about the actual science then your "doubts" are nothing more than your uninformed opinion.

If manmade CO2 is the reason why left-nits think the earth's temperature rising is an existential threat to life on earth, then I suggest they
start doing something about it

I'm doing what I can. But I'm only one person. I understand you don't want to take any responsibility for your personal impact on the planet because you might have to do something. And being a "doubter" who lacks ANY scientific background to understand the topic makes you safe from having to care about the topic apparently.

by taking Algore's and John Kerry's CO2 emitting jets away from them. Keep your filthy hands off of my gas guzzling auto, and off of my gas stove. Drill Baby Drill!

You don't understand the first foreign thing about this topic or what "drill baby drill" actually entails.

Maybe you should learn some of the topic first. THEN formulate your "doubts"
Your "doubts" are of zero value. Unless you talk about the actual science then your "doubts" are nothing more than your uninformed opinion.

I'm doing what I can. But I'm only one person. I understand you don't want to take any responsibility for your personal impact on the planet because you might have to do something. And being a "doubter" who lacks ANY scientific background to understand the topic makes you safe from having to care about the topic apparently.

You don't understand the first foreign thing about this topic or what "drill baby drill" actually entails.

Maybe you should learn some of the topic first. THEN formulate your "doubts"
You keep thinking that science has everything to do with determining our climate swings from hot to cold. Perhaps we're going to get another ice age. If so, what will your science then say about our climate? I remember liberals saying that the earth will end in a dozen years or so, and or that N.Y.C. and or Florida will be completely underwater in the near future, etc. Keep up your nonsense that any of your fear mongering nonsense on the ongoing weather/climate change will have any serious effects on our lives here on earth. Do yourself a favor and put your worries that this dangerous, ineffective and appeasing administration
will get on their knees by inviting WW3 that might just destroy the entire life on this planet.

And do you really think that our use of electric instead of gas is going to make a difference at all in helping to reduce the rise
of temperature across the globe to some 1 degree in over a 100 year span?
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Actually their cartoon about the knife was pretty appropriate.

Many denialists like to point to the earth's history of a variable climate as if that is evidence that since things changed in the past that is why they are changing NOW.

But that's not even marginally correct. IN FACT the study of earth's past climates (Paleoclimatology) helps us understand how climate changes IN THE ABSENCE of human activity. So that when we look at our CURRENT warming we see that the "natural forcings" don't really line up to explain the CURRENT warming.

In other words: there's a missing factor.

When you bring in human activities like release of gigatons of greenhouse gases suddenly the warming CAN BE EXPLAINED.

SO, YES the earth's climate has changed for a wide range of reasons. Now it is changing and there's a NEW reason that didn't exist millions of years ago and that reason is driving at least 50% of the warming we see if not more.

Yeah, the knife cartoon was spot on.
The cartoon was addressed as a response to me. I showed, clearly, how it is a logical fallacy and wrong. Your strawman doesn't change that.
You keep thinking that science has everything to do with determining our climate swings from hot to cold. Perhaps we're going to get another ice age. If so, what will your science then say about our climate?

The earth is currently in what is called an "interglacial". We are actually, technically IN an ice age and awaiting the next continental glaciation event. This is largely driven by obliquities in the earth's orbit called Milankovich Cycles.

BUT, here's the problem. We SHOULD BE HEADING BACK INTO ANOTHER GLACIATION. In other words it SHOULD be getting cooler.

it is not.

I remember liberals saying that the earth will end in a dozen years or so, and or that N.Y.C. and or Florida will be completely underwater in the near future,

A lot of those were wild speculation. But sooner or later Florida will be underwater. Physics is what physics is. Water expands when it's warm and when the earth warms land-based ice (like in Greenland) starts to melt and more water means higher sea levels.

Maybe it didn't happen on the pace that some predicted but it will happen.

etc. Keep up your nonsense that any of your fear mongering nonsense on the ongoing weather/climate change will have any serious effects on our lives here on earth.

Seems to me we are having more extreme weather events EXACTLY AS PREDICTED. And yeah, sea levels ARE rising.

I guess if you're the frog in the pot of water and they start slowly raising the temp you would assume that you are just in a nice jacuzzi.

And do you really think that our use of electric instead of gas is going to make a difference at all in helping to reduce the rise
of temperature across the globe to some 1 degree in over a 100 year span?

It can't hurt. Just like eating a few more salads won't cure your heart disease but NOT eating ANY salads will definitely hasten it.