
Oy vey, why yuz gotta dooz tiz me, mootsie? No morz soup for you.

Gramma, rest her soul, would probably give you soup, cuz that who she was.

Had a MJ dealer in HS who was fresh from Texas on the Central Coast . This fucker was charismatic as Bill Clinton. I hated him, but at the time he scored me great weed at literally the best price and it was good stuff.

So the ass starts coming to my house to "deliver" the weed exactly at dinner time. And guess who was invited to dinner...

And my Grandma loved him because he is so funny.


He must have smoked some weed with her.
He must have smoked some weed with her.

OH lordy, I actually wondered that. Despite her chronic complaints about me supposedly smoking the reefer, she was almost a pack a day cigarette smoker.

BUT I know she would never partake, until her death bed from cancer because she couldn't eat unless she smoked Marijuana and not her cigarettes. She was just a friendly woman that loved to cook for people. When I brought a girlfriend home, oh Lawd, it was Friday night dinner!

Miss her.
Aloha Ackbar

Nasty bar name, never drank there.

You know, if one day I went up to my computer and found it incapable of doing anything but talking angrily about how much it hated Muslims and black people, I would unplug it. Clearly something has gone wrong with that computer, it is fucking useless and offers nothing of value to me. Unfortunately that’s basically the brain of about 46.1% of people in this country, completely useless, a mistake, and of no value at all to anyone.

They should be unplugged, this is a waste of resources. We can make new humans that aren’t broken.
You know, if one day I went up to my computer and found it incapable of doing anything but talking angrily about how much it hated Muslims and black people, I would unplug it. Clearly something has gone wrong with that computer, it is fucking useless and offers nothing of value to me. Unfortunately that’s basically the brain of about 46.1% of people in this country, completely useless, a mistake, and of no value at all to anyone.

They should be unplugged, this is a waste of resources. We can make new humans that aren’t broken.

I love you too. May we humans conquer the world!
it's kinda weird to me that watermark actually likes hillary clinton. how can someone as cool as watermark like someone so obviously evil and dumb. i dont' get it.
it's kinda weird to me that watermark actually likes hillary clinton. how can someone as cool as watermark like someone so obviously evil and dumb. i dont' get it.
I don’t get how somebody like you can like Trump, who is much more evil and a moron.
You know, if one day I went up to my computer and found it incapable of doing anything but talking angrily about how much it hated Muslims and black people, I would unplug it. Clearly something has gone wrong with that computer, it is fucking useless and offers nothing of value to me. Unfortunately that’s basically the brain of about 46.1% of people in this country, completely useless, a mistake, and of no value at all to anyone.

They should be unplugged, this is a waste of resources. We can make new humans that aren’t broken.

Congratulations Skidmark. That's the best description of you I've ever read.
Sometimes, mostly when you’re high and funny. You can be chill when you’re not going all new age conservative angry guy.

New age conservative.....didnt know that was a thing

New age is incense and glorious herb if one should want to partake. Oh, and wildly wonderful dresses with candles all around your house.

Lawd she was amazing, unfortunately we didn't ideologically get along. 😢
New age conservative.....didnt know that was a thing

New age is incense and glorious herb if one should want to partake. Oh, and wildly wonderful dresses with candles all around your house.

Lawd she was amazing, unfortunately we didn't ideologically get along. ��

Guantanamo's lucky day,not being ideologically the same as you.