Super Bowl Food


ButterMilk Man
Meat and cheese tray to include a baked brie
Pretzel rolls small and crackers
Olives and pickles
Mustard array
Little Smokies in BBQ
The only way out of this Dark Age is people deciding to become better.

You are very important, a point that Jordan Peterson has been making often recently.
Meat and cheese tray to include a baked brie
Pretzel rolls small and crackers
Olives and pickles
Mustard array
Little Smokies in BBQ
Very nice!! We're cooking out...basically just a big tailgating party....hopefully the weather cooperates;)
I grilled up some Cheeseburgers with all the fixin's. Oh, and fresh fries- deep fried in peanut oil.

I am having my 2nd helping now! Delish!
Garlic bologna, extra sharp, and bacon cheese plate with Townhouse crackers and orange juice. Good enough for me after having Cheese Tortellini with Alfredo and Shrimp for lunch.
Meat and cheese tray, smoked venison, some other dips, wings and mac-n-cheese.
Thanks to my daughter and son-in-law who invited me to their home to play with my granddaughter and watch the game and amuse my granddog.
Don't you use an air fryer?
Our stove has that capability...and every once in awhile it gets used...but I prefer the deep fryer...or shallow fry in a cast iron skillet....I gave the
free standing" one we had to the student lounge/kitchen at a local university....I guess they're wearing it out!