Super Bowl Half Time

Nah, just us old white guys.

^^No truer words.

As "old white guys" die off and take their generational hate with them, the vast majority of these culture war issues will cease to be front page.

It is "old white guys" and their nostalgia for a time when "white guys" ruled everything, due to the ultimate form of Affirmative Action they enjoyed, where no POC or woman was even allowed to compete for top jobs, that they miss and want back (MAGA).

it is "old white guys" and their nostalgia for a time when they could cheat on, beat and abuse their wives, and yet she was unlikely to divorce him, as a divorced woman often lost everything, including the kids, as she had no income to support herself and kids, and as such she stayed with him, and that made the "old white guys" feel like good husbands since their marriage lasted, that they miss and want back (MAGA).

It is because "old white guys" remember those 'good ole days', that they are so bitter in seeing society change and force them to compete for jobs, and force them to be good, compromising husbands or face divorce. If they can MAGA they can go back to getting the ultimate form of affirmative action and be as shitty husbands as they were historically and yet have their marriages last. MAGA!!!