Except the theme this year is to not adopt the crazies to run. I don't know what you are hearing, but the platform isn't "upped" and last election it certainly wasn't stripped. Badnarick spent more time talking about how "unconstitutional" Driver's licenses are and why he never had one than he did about any of the real issues of the day. He was a nut, and people like him are what make the L party a joke and why people like RP leave.
The goal isn't to "strip" the platform, it is to put forward people who have more appeal than the nuts.
The platform isn't "upped" what does that mean? The LP platform was stripped of many planks in Portland 2006.
I agree, Badnarik was a lousy candidate. That's why I did not bother voting in 04. Browne was a good candidate. His positions were radical but he expressed them well.