APP - SuperFreak

it would certainly be the first time you debated me......usually you're busy hiding behind your "ringer" what is it.....are you seriously pretending the global warming alarmists don't claim that human activity is the cause of global warming? want me to provide references in support of that claim?......should I prove the sky is blue as well?.....

here......I'll cover both for you....

Oh please. I crushed you like a school child on a debate on evolution in which you demonstrated a poor lay knowledge. Why? Cause on that topic I am a ringer. I have a graduate level education in biology. You have none. Get over it. If I were to debate you on a technical issue concerning the law you would probably do the same to me.
Oh please. I crushed you like a school child on a debate on evolution in which you demonstrated a poor lay knowledge. Why? Cause on that topic I am a ringer. I have a graduate level education in biology. You have none. Get over it. If I were to debate you on a technical issue concerning the law you would probably do the same to me.

lets be honest, never participated in a debate with me...if you feel that isn't accurate, I welcome you to link any thread in which you have actually done spent several pages bragging about how much more you knew than I did, but never demonstrated you knew I recall, you were so busy complaining how much more that you knew that you failed to answer my first question......or was it simply you didn't know how?.....

the truth is, you've never had the balls to debate me on anything, and you never prize your false reputation as a good debater too highly to actually risk it.....

I suspect you know how to fill a petri dish and recognize what grows inside it.....I haven't seen any evidence you understand biology that well beyond that.....
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meanwhile, I believe I have presented the reference you requested on global warming alarmists.....have I satisfied the peanut gallery?......
On a tangential note, the conservative National Post of Canada – formerly, a leading disseminator of climate science denialism – finally comes clean…

in a blistering editorial, the Post blasts science-denialism, and specifically climate-science denialism in the rightwing which they conclude is getting to epic and dangerous proportions……’s totally worth the whole read at the link.

Conservative National Post editorial shocker:

“Global-warming deniers are a liability to the conservative cause”

too many of us treat science as subjective — something we customize to reduce cognitive dissonance between what we think and how we live.

In the case of global warming, this dissonance is especially traumatic for many conservatives, because they have based their whole worldview on the idea that unfettered capitalism — and the asphalt-paved, gas-guzzling consumer culture it has spawned — is synonymous with both personal fulfillment and human advancement. The global-warming hypothesis challenges that fundamental dogma, perhaps fatally.

Most climate-change deniers (or “skeptics,” or whatever term one prefers) tend to inhabit militantly right-wing blogs and other Internet echo chambers populated entirely by other deniers. In these electronic enclaves — where a smattering of citations to legitimate scientific authorities typically is larded up with heaps of add-on commentary from pundits, economists and YouTube jesters who haven’t any formal training in climate sciences — it becomes easy to swallow the fallacy that the whole world, including the respected scientific community, is jumping on the denier bandwagon………..

This is a phenomenon that should worry not only environmentalists, but also conservatives themselves: The conviction that global warming is some sort of giant intellectual fraud now has become a leading bullet point within mainstream North American conservatism; and so has come to bathe the whole movement in its increasingly crankish, conspiratorial glow.

Conservatives often pride themselves on their hard-headed approach to public-policy — in contradistinction to liberals, who generally are typecast as fuzzy-headed utopians. Yet when it comes to climate change, many conservatives I know will assign credibility to any stray piece of junk science that lands in their inbox … so long as it happens to support their own desired conclusion. (One conservative columnist I know formed her skeptical views on global warming based on testimonials she heard from novelist Michael Crichton.)

The result is farcical: Impressionable conservatives who lack the numeracy skills to perform long division or balance their checkbooks feel entitled to spew elaborate proofs purporting to demonstrate how global warming is in fact caused by sunspots or flatulent farm animals. Or they will go on at great length about how “climategate” has exposed the whole global-warming phenomenon as a charade — despite the fact that a subsequent investigation exculpated research investigators from the charge that they had suppressed temperature data. (In fact, “climategate” was overhyped from the beginning, since the scientific community always had other historical temperature data sets at its disposal — that maintained by the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, most notably — entirely independent of the Climactic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, where the controversy emerged.)

In part, blame for all this lies with the Internet, whose blog-from-the-hip ethos has convinced legions of pundits that their view on highly technical matters counts as much as peer-reviewed scientific literature. But there is something deeper at play, too — a basic psychological instinct that public-policy scholars refer to as the “cultural cognition thesis,” described in a recently published academic paper as the observed principle that “individuals tend to form perceptions of risk that reflect and reinforce one or another idealized vision of how society should be organized … Thus, generally speaking, persons who subscribe to individualistic values tend to dismiss claims of environmental risks, because acceptance of such claims implies the need to regulate markets, commerce and other outlets for individual strivings.”

In simpler words, too many of us treat science as subjective — something we customize to reduce cognitive dissonance between what we think and how we live.

In the case of global warming, this dissonance is especially traumatic for many conservatives, because they have based their whole worldview on the idea that unfettered capitalism — and the asphalt-paved, gas-guzzling consumer culture it has spawned — is synonymous with both personal fulfillment and human advancement. The global-warming hypothesis challenges that fundamental dogma, perhaps fatally.…..

Rants and slogans may help conservatives deal with the emotional problem of cognitive dissonance. But they aren’t the building blocks of a serious ideological movement.

And the impulse toward denialism must be fought if conservatism is to prosper in a century when environmental issues will assume an ever greater profile on this increasingly hot, parched, crowded planet. Otherwise, the movement will come to be defined — and discredited — by its noisiest cranks and conspiracists.
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lets be honest, never participated in a debate with me...if you feel that isn't accurate, I welcome you to link any thread in which you have actually done spent several pages bragging about how much more you knew than I did, but never demonstrated you knew I recall, you were so busy complaining how much more that you knew that you failed to answer my first question......or was it simply you didn't know how?.....

the truth is, you've never had the balls to debate me on anything, and you never prize your false reputation as a good debater too highly to actually risk it.....

I suspect you know how to fill a petri dish and recognize what grows inside it.....I haven't seen any evidence you understand biology that well beyond that.....
Oh please. I'll give you credit, like Dixie, you are stubborn beyond reason. In our debate on evolution it became apparent to anyone who has ever studied the subject, that you have not. My win on you in that instance was one of the easiest debates I've ever won considering I faced an unarmed opponent. All you did was make circular arguments, while avoiding the facts. Now if you want to take some time to actually read up on the topic and wish to come back and debate it, in an honest fashion, none of your standard disingenous circular arguments, well I'd be happy to take the Pepsi challenge on that anytime.
from the 1990 report:

they certaintly did nothing to dispel or reject the term, in fact, it is clear they approve of the term and embrace its meaning and use

perhaps cypress should actually read what he links to and stop relying on what left wing blogs tell him to say

Maybe you should try reading what I wrote, Professor.

I said that global warming and climate change are used interchangebly, but from a scientific perspective the issue is more broadly refered to as climate change. Because rising temperatures, simply in and of themselves aren't neccessarily bad. It's what happens to climate, weather, environment, and oceans, as a result of human induced rapid temperature increases that is, and will be, disruptive.

This was in Zappa's OP, remember?

"WHY is it that the global warming fear mongers have now switched to calling it 'climate change'?"

No one switched anything, Professor Yurt. It's always been called climate change (see Post #4), and the core issue with climate change is related to rapidly rising global mean temperature, due to human emissions of GHG. It's a cause and effect thing. Just like nicotine and cancer. Global warming and climate change. It's really not rocket science to grasp this.

Is this really that hard to understand? And I don't really get why in rightwing blog world this is perceived as some sort of plot or conspiracy. Y'all should really get off those rightwing blogs once in a while. The world of science isn't plotting against you.
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Oh please. I'll give you credit, like Dixie, you are stubborn beyond reason. In our debate on evolution it became apparent to anyone who has ever studied the subject, that you have not. My win on you in that instance was one of the easiest debates I've ever won considering I faced an unarmed opponent. All you did was make circular arguments, while avoiding the facts. Now if you want to take some time to actually read up on the topic and wish to come back and debate it, in an honest fashion, none of your standard disingenous circular arguments, well I'd be happy to take the Pepsi challenge on that anytime.

uh,'ve never debated me on the issue of somehow can under the delusion that bragging about how much you knew about evolution was somehow the equivalent of actually posting embarrassed yourself pretty badly and you've been afraid to debate me ever since....if you'd like to drag your sorry ass back to that thread and actually give it a fucking try some time, I will be happy to educate you on that which you lack.....but if you're still scared then just shut the fuck up and stop pretending.....otherwise, this line is just as sorry as the last time you pretended you were really debating
What references? What links? Did you hide them under a rock? All I've seen is your editorial comments.
I don't write for the BBC, so you can hardly call them my editorial comments.....
here, I will post them again so you can't pretend you missed them this time...

and Cypress certainly isn't helping your cause any by interspersing posts claiming exactly what you deny the left is claiming.....
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I don't write for the BBC, so you can hardly call them my editorial comments.....
here, I will post them again so you can't pretend you missed them this time...

and Cypress certainly isn't helping your cause any by interspersing posts claiming exactly what you deny the left is claiming.....
That's a link? An Op-Ed piece about the Kyoto Accord? Are you serious? It doesn't even mention any specifics about Kyoto or even the specifics of why the Bush administration opposed it.
That's a link? An Op-Ed piece about the Kyoto Accord? Are you serious? It doesn't even mention any specifics about Kyoto or even the specifics of why the Bush administration opposed it.

????...the claim I made was that the left insisted human activity CAUSED global challenged me to back that up..........the link I provided, which was consistent with the constant chatter from the left over the last two decades was conveniently titled "Humans cause global warming".......

do you somehow feel I have failed in backing up my claim?....

in addition I asserted that the left demanded we significantly alter our activities to stop global warming......are you denying that the intent of Kyoto was to significantly alter human activity to stop global warming?.....
????...the claim I made was that the left insisted human activity CAUSED global challenged me to back that up..........the link I provided, which was consistent with the constant chatter from the left over the last two decades was conveniently titled "Humans cause global warming".......

do you somehow feel I have failed in backing up my claim?....

in addition I asserted that the left demanded we significantly alter our activities to stop global warming......are you denying that the intent of Kyoto was to significantly alter human activity to stop global warming?.....
You're nuts! It's an opinion piece and it does nothing of the sort. Give me a break! The only thing you posted was an opinion consistant with your opinion.
You're nuts! It's an opinion piece and it does nothing of the sort. Give me a break! The only thing you posted was an opinion consistant with your opinion.

is this some kind of joke? there anyone who does NOT have the opinion that the left claims global warming is caused by human activity?.....can we have a show of hands?......
is this some kind of joke? there anyone who does NOT have the opinion that the left claims global warming is caused by human activity?.....can we have a show of hands?......

We disagree with many things; but I've got to back you on this.

When the "global warming" was first being presented, the majority of supporters were claiming that it was BECAUSE of mankind.
They weren't suggesting that we contributed to it, they blamed the entire situation on what we were doing.
is this some kind of joke? there anyone who does NOT have the opinion that the left claims global warming is caused by human activity?.....can we have a show of hands?......
OK Mr reactionary partisan, since when has anyone described the scientific community as "The Left" other then the reactionary right?
OK Mr reactionary partisan, since when has anyone described the scientific community as "The Left" other then the reactionary right?
what does that have to do with the question......if you want to change the subject finish the current topic first.....are we in agreement that the left claims global warming was caused by human activity?.......I have always been in agreement with that portion of the scientific community which recognized that human activity did not "cause" a cycle that began nearly 100,000 years ago and was nearly completed before everything we recognize as "civilization" occurred.....the fact that a significant portion of the scientific community IS on the left does not make their conclusions valid.....
We disagree with many things; but I've got to back you on this.

When the "global warming" was first being presented, the majority of supporters were claiming that it was BECAUSE of mankind.
They weren't suggesting that we contributed to it, they blamed the entire situation on what we were doing.

The small detail you conveniently leave out is that the people who made those first claims did so almost 40 years ago. As the science behind climate change has improved we have learned we aren't CAUSING but instead CONTRIBUTING to "global warming".

Now, what does that have to do with the fact he tried to use an OPINION PIECE as FACTUAL EVIDENCE to prove his point?
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what does that have to do with the question......if you want to change the subject finish the current topic first.....are we in agreement that the left claims global warming was caused by human activity?.......I have always been in agreement with that portion of the scientific community which recognized that human activity did not "cause" a cycle that began nearly 100,000 years ago and was nearly completed before everything we recognize as "civilization" occurred.....the fact that a significant portion of the scientific community IS on the left does not make their conclusions valid.....

More hair-splitting, bullshit, semantic word games as the gutless Right tries to make their point by splitting the tiniest of hairs...

And this guy's going to be impartial and judge the upcoming debates fairly??
The small detail you conveniently leave out is that the people who made those first claims did so almost 40 years ago. As the science behind climate change has improved we have learned we are CAUSING but instead CONTRIBUTING to "global warming".

Now, what does that have to do with the fact he tried to use an OPINION PIECE as FACTUAL EVIDENCE to prove his point?

Wrong, on round one.
This was as early as, well anytime during the past 5 or 6 years.