To stop illegals from buying food here Super....gotta think ahead to where things are going....sadly!
There is NO TEST to vote in this country, you only need be a citizen and is not a priviledge imho, but a right.
MOST natural born citizens in any big city in the USA do not need to get a driver's licence, why would you want them to get one?
Illegals go out of their way, and get their driver's licences to drive and to try to make themselves seem like a legal citizen in this country...they would break their backs to get a driver's licence, why should the born american have to do this FOR NO VALID REASON AT ALL?
Do you believe in big gvt FOR NO REASON Super?
Also, these voter id laws are a ruse.... to make people think they are doing something to stop illegal alens from voting when it does NOTHING of the sort, because by the time the illegals are at the voting booth, THEY ARE ALREADY registered to vote....illegally....but registered voters and will be on the voter rolls and will have an id to show at the polls...
While, as others have mentioned the true voter fraud, which takes place via absentee ballot of DEAD PEOPLE, will still be going on, because they fail to legislate that once a death certificate is issued the person dead, should be taken off the State's valid voter rolls.