Surprise, Surprise: Oil Prices Climb Day After Election, Coincidence???

Yeah why would Bush say last week it is over oil anyway, I think he said that the same Day he said rummie was going no where.
Howya doin Evil ? Long time no insults ;)

Oh he rambled on about if we left Iraq it would endanger our oil supply....
Of course it was not in danger before we invaded, wha happened ?

Check your sources...that's not exactly right.

The president DID say something like "...if we leave Iraq before they can defend themselves, Terrorists are likely to take control of the resources, and use the proceeds from oil to fund more islamic strikes against the world."

I dont have the exact quote - but that's just about what he said.
Oh he rambled on about if we left Iraq it would endanger our oil supply....
Of course it was not in danger before we invaded, wha happened ?

lol, it's in danger as we are there let alone leaving. Thing is it was in danger before we arrived as well so yeah you can make the assumption of invading for oil was a possibility but is that anything more than just that? well I guess it feels good for some theroists but the evidence has been overwhelmingly week.
Check your sources...that's not exactly right.

The president DID say something like "...if we leave Iraq before they can defend themselves, Terrorists are likely to take control of the resources, and use the proceeds from oil to fund more islamic strikes against the world."

I dont have the exact quote - but that's just about what he said.

More likely that Iran would try to corner that market! Really dmp, do you actually think there are terrorists in Iraq?:rolleyes:
No, they don't. They fell, just not enough to merit the conspiracy theory. You keep pretending like this is some sort of shocker. Converting the refineries for new types of refining costs money, prices always rise at this time of the year. Amazingly... I managed gas stations after I got out of the military for about 6 years, patterns are easy to determine.

Pretending that you have never before seen this, and conveniently forgetting the Rs complaining about the same thing with Gore and Clinton is pretense.

I really can't keep track of what you are arguing or even saying here. The abstraction is getting too far removed from the concrete to be able to follow you.

You're saying there was nothing to it, it was organic and natural and I'm saying that the drop of 25% before an election is radical and unprecedented. Since you know so much could you direct me to another election season when the price of gas fell 25% in three months. Since it is so natural and so predictable and such an every year thing. I mean just to support your argument. If there was nothing to this and if the price rising was only either a fluctuation or a result of maintenance on refineries why all the talk in the original story of OPEC cutting back on production and the price of CRUDE going up. Certainly this activity by the Saudis has nothing whatsoever to do with the things you appear to be talking about in your rather abstract and non-specific way, such as road trips, tin-foil hats etc., which you claim always occurs after the election I guess. See I predicted two things based on widespread reading and web browsing, one was the price of gas would fall precipitously before the election because Bush's buddies King Fahd and Prince Bandar were going to increase production in an attempt to aid Bush in the election. You must admit finally that a 25% percent drop is unprecedented and therefore unnatural. And I then predicted that right after the election the same King Fahd and Prince Bandar would pull the plug and the price would go back up. And I asked people not to be fooled by this sleight of hand that many were seeing as some kind of siezmic shift downward in gasoline prices. If in fact I was able to predict so accurately what actually happened then I must be the oracle or I can anticipate coincidences better than anyone here.
Check your sources...that's not exactly right.

The president DID say something like "...if we leave Iraq before they can defend themselves, Terrorists are likely to take control of the resources, and use the proceeds from oil to fund more islamic strikes against the world."

I dont have the exact quote - but that's just about what he said.

Yep that is about right as I recall. but he did finally start throwing the O word into why we can't leave Iraq. that is my point.
Yep that is about right as I recall. but he did finally start throwing the O word into why we can't leave Iraq. that is my point.

Heres the problem pops, how many years are we into this war now? Yet while you should be gloating after elections the post of invasion for oil still carry on, why? I sure hope this same very thing does'nt carry all the way back to where it started, that being those that are now holding seats. A little less theories, and a little bit more of actual difference making would be the key here, I am hoping to see it myself.
I really can't keep track of what you are arguing or even saying here. The abstraction is getting too far removed from the concrete to be able to follow you.

You're saying there was nothing to it, it was organic and natural and I'm saying that the drop of 25% before an election is radical and unprecedented. Since you know so much could you direct me to another election season when the price of gas fell 25% in three months. Since it is so natural and so predictable and such an every year thing. I mean just to support your argument. If there was nothing to this and if the price rising was only either a fluctuation or a result of maintenance on refineries why all the talk in the original story of OPEC cutting back on production and the price of CRUDE going up. Certainly this activity by the Saudis has nothing whatsoever to do with the things you appear to be talking about in your rather abstract and non-specific way, such as road trips, tin-foil hats etc., which you claim always occurs after the election I guess. See I predicted two things based on widespread reading and web browsing, one was the price of gas would fall precipitously before the election because Bush's buddies King Fahd and Prince Bandar were going to increase production in an attempt to aid Bush in the election. You must admit finally that a 25% percent drop is unprecedented and therefore unnatural. And I then predicted that right after the election the same King Fahd and Prince Bandar would pull the plug and the price would go back up. And I asked people not to be fooled by this sleight of hand that many were seeing as some kind of siezmic shift downward in gasoline prices. If in fact I was able to predict so accurately what actually happened then I must be the oracle or I can anticipate coincidences better than anyone here.
You can't keep track of the simple idea that this is a pattern that happens pretty much every year (never perfectly on exact dates) and that it is simply the regular pattern? Then you are simpler than I thought. You sound like an intelligent human being until you suddenly "can't comprehend" the idea that there may be a pattern that happens on years there is no election as well as years with the election at about the same time in each of those years.

Assuming it is because of some conspiracy rather than simply remembering back to last year when the prices went down at the end of summer and back up mid-autumn when there was no election to "help" them in is simply convenient memory, not an argument for actual conspiracy.

Now this doesn't prove that there isn't a conspiracy, but it goes a long way toward proving that it wasn't for Bush that it was done since it was done while Gore was running, and Clinton, Reagan, Carter, and so on....

Much of the price change comes from converting the refineries from fuel only to both fuel and heating oil. Also more usage comes from the months where more heating oil is used (supply and demand)...

Amazingly, that is never considered in your crackpot theory that somehow they have conspired to lower prices at the end of the summer travel season and raise them at conversion at he refineries as well as higher usage of heating oil for decades just so they could trick people like me that they weren't conspiring for Bush....

Come on... Mr. "I can't understand your simple idea that it might be supply and demand and follow the regular pattern that has gone on for decades".... I prefer to have a bit more ingenuousness in the arguments of my opponents.
Over-producing to drive prices down is not a conspiracy it's a common tool of capitalism, one generally used by Capitalists when the seek some other outcome, instead of profit. Otherwise they would cut production to coincide with the drop in consumption, if they over-produce in the face of a drop in consumption they are suddenly, and inexplicably giving money away unless they have some other purpose. When one sees such behavior that is responsible for driving prices down an unseasonably, (and evidently ignored by some other posters) 25 percent, the prudent observer if not the skeptic would at least ask themselves why are these people suddenly giving away 25 percent of their current profit margin. And as I noted and some here keep ignoring, the prices are being driven at the souce by the reduction in production by OPEC not by anything that is happening here in America. When a story says OPEC is either increasing production or cutting back production that has nothing to do with market forces or refinery capacity in America. If anyone here can make that argument please be my guest. But at least admit that the price is being determined by OPEC production quotas on the world market, not refinery capacity of Shell or Chevron in Poohkeepsie.
Or another prudent person would realize that the supply goes down on pre-supply changeover to different types of refining. But heck, they just do it decade after decade at the same time of the year so that they could set up Bush for this particular election. I bet they're crying in their pillows right now because their decades of hard work "fooling" people didn't pay off. Orrrr... Maybe it's for the next R candidate... You know, gotta keep pulling this one out, it'll be fresh and new because you already have forgotten that last year the same pattern happened, and the year before, and so on for decades back.... So it will seem brand new to you in two years when it happens again after, of course, you conveniently forget it happens next year too.

You can definitely pull "conspiracy" out... Did you see the 9/11 South Park episode?
yes its all about oil, its about keeping the islamists and iran from funding more of their jihad with iraq oil. That's the one real problem with pulling out and letting them just fight it out. The winner controls the oil and the money won't go to the iraq people it will go to finance jihad.