APP - Surprisingly, the THIRD "Climate Gate" Review vindicates climate scientists

Jones was never even interviewed by Muir Russell. Read the minutes
Real thorough!

We get it. you guys are satisfied with the ridiculous whitewashes so good for you. It's hilarious, but soon enough we'll vote out the warmers and we'll put an end to this chirade. The cat is out of the bag and your side will never again be able to trick the public. Good luck with your warming. LOL

You guys are defiantely not worth debating on the subject. I've yet to see you link a single study you've read which helped you understand for yourself why you believe the warming theory.

The "warmers" are so tied into being correct, that they fail to realize that the world might just be headed towards another min-iceage.

You'll know why they are; because they'll be the ones sitting by a campfire, with ice and snow all around, telling each other that the world is getting warmer and it's mankinds fault.

As for your independent reviews Cypress...

1) who ran those 'independent reviews? (ie... was it Penn State, East Anglia etc...)

2) who made up the panels doing the reviews? (ie... did it include skeptics as well as proponents of global warming? Or did they just include those who already agreed with global warming?)

3) Do you contend that all of the questions/complaints were answered by the 'independent' reviews?

As for your chart showing the temperatures Cypress:

1) No one is arguing with the fact that the earth warmed during the 1970-1995 time frame. Nor is anyone arguing that it has stayed warm since. But do tell us... if MAN is causing global warming... then why has there been no significant warming over the past 15 years? A FACT stated directly by your unimpeachable Jones.

2) Does your chart demonstrate how the changes in temperature are a result of man?

3) Do you think it is scientifically valid that Jones states the reason he thinks man is responsible is due to: "The fact that we can't explain the warming from the 1950s by solar and volcanic forcing"? Because it would seem that he is saying it has to be man because he can't figure out another reason. That hardly seems sound scientifically.

As for the question you never answer Cypress....

WHY is it that the global warming fear mongers have now switched to calling it 'climate change'? If MAN is causing WARMING... and it is 'unequivocal scientific fact'... WHY the change?