Surrendering the moral high ground


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By definition, "evangelism" denotes 'winning (from another) a commitment to Christ". I have to ask Trump-supporting Evangelicals, "How can you be a credible evangelist when you have openly supported a serial liar, 3X adulterer and cheat, both in business and politics?" You have surrendered the moral high ground a point that Mark Galli on Christianity Today tried to get you to see. If you wonder why church attendance and membership are both down, consider your blatant hypocrisy as one source for that fall-off.
By definition, "evangelism" denotes 'winning (from another) a commitment to Christ". I have to ask Trump-supporting Evangelicals, "How can you be a credible evangelist when you have openly supported a serial liar, 3X adulterer and cheat, both in business and politics?" You have surrendered the moral high ground a point that Mark Galli on Christianity Today tried to get you to see. If you wonder why church attendance and membership are both down, consider your blatant hypocrisy as one source for that fall-off.

Hey, newbie, you are a brainwashed dumbshit. Congratulations.
By definition, "evangelism" denotes 'winning (from another) a commitment to Christ". I have to ask Trump-supporting Evangelicals, "How can you be a credible evangelist when you have openly supported a serial liar, 3X adulterer and cheat, both in business and politics?" You have surrendered the moral high ground a point that Mark Galli on Christianity Today tried to get you to see. If you wonder why church attendance and membership are both down, consider your blatant hypocrisy as one source for that fall-off.

If you understood Christianity you would note that
A. Christ himself put a wall between church and state
B. Christ sacrificed himself to atone for all our sins
By definition, "evangelism" denotes 'winning (from another) a commitment to Christ". I have to ask Trump-supporting Evangelicals, "How can you be a credible evangelist when you have openly supported a serial liar, 3X adulterer and cheat, both in business and politics?" You have surrendered the moral high ground a point that Mark Galli on Christianity Today tried to get you to see. If you wonder why church attendance and membership are both down, consider your blatant hypocrisy as one source for that fall-off.

... but, but, but, look at the Economy!
Name-calling and insults are the last refuge of the intellectually empty.

Welcome to JPP, a vast collection of intellectually-empty, racist, gun-humping incel RWers.

As a recovering Xtian, IMO your OP is spot on. It is very difficult for someone on the outside of the ranks of Christianity to understand how, exactly, evangelists are going to win souls for Christ as things are today. Loudly defending the crimes and sins of the IMPOTUS, often while engaging in personal attacks on the doubters, is not setting a very good example of how to follow Jesus. Apparently, because one gets into their Heaven by belief alone, the hatred, fear, outrage, and bigotry often displayed by evangelicals in political commentary is supposed to be ignored by us unwashed heathens.
By definition, "evangelism" denotes 'winning (from another) a commitment to Christ". I have to ask Trump-supporting Evangelicals, "How can you be a credible evangelist when you have openly supported a serial liar, 3X adulterer and cheat, both in business and politics?" You have surrendered the moral high ground a point that Mark Galli on Christianity Today tried to get you to see. If you wonder why church attendance and membership are both down, consider your blatant hypocrisy as one source for that fall-off.

Self identified evagelicals are generally not any more ethical, and sometimes less so than anyone else. They just posture and try to talk a good game and lecture others .

The prominent Christian philosopher Soren Kierkegaard maintained that the most ridiculous and phony Christian are those who think they are Christian because they were born in a Christian country and they listen to a pastor on Sunday. Kierkegaard felt that being a Christian should be hard work, take fierce integrity, and involve the cultivation of independent thought, reason, and contemplation