Survey: Republicans are worst sex partners

-45 percent of those questioned said independents were better in the sack,

-36 percent who thought Democrats were the best lovers

-and just over 18 percent who rated Republicans as the real Don Juans.

The survey also found that Michelle Obama, the wife of Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama, was considered by almost one in five respondents as the sexiest woman in politics.

Among former presidents, Bill Clinton emerged as the sexiest former US leader, beating Ronald Reagan by 58.8 percent to 21.7 percent.

Good thing I'm an independent.
Only a devout republican or sicko would present coulter as a good looking republican.
Come to think of it they are the same thing ;)
I honestly don't think I've ever slept with a republican.

Hey Dems, somebody take one for the team, and find out what it's like!
Cypress I'm surprised republicans are the only ones you haven't slept with since you sport that nasty Joe Dirt Mullett.
Laura Schuarts the Dem consultant is by far the sexiest woman in politics.
Then you are a liar.........

No, I'm straight.

you marked gay on the poll...see this is why I posted a thread sort out all the liars! I suspect this is why alot of the far left did not register their real preference on the will come back and bite em'! Either way they have proven themselves to be liars and frauds! Goodjob waterbaby...:cof1:
Cypress I'm surprised republicans are the only ones you haven't slept with since you sport that nasty Joe Dirt Mullett.
Laura Schuarts the Dem consultant is by far the sexiest woman in politics.

I don't date warmongers. And liberal hippie gals like my hair just fine, thank you. ;). By the way, how are your rogain treatments going? :)

I don't care about Laura Schwartz, whoever that is. I'm holding out and saving myself for Naomi Klein. Like that sienfeld episode.