Survival Of The Fittest!

Survival Of The Fittest on a national scale makes a strong nation.

When a national/federal government uses the poor to justify the taking of money to take care of the poor, a nation becomes weak. It makes people poor, people who would normally not be dependent find themselves dependent on all kinds of things that they normally wouldn't be.

gobbledy goop and meaningless clap trap.

There is NO proof any of that shit is reality.

your a dupe
Survival Of The Fittest on a national scale makes a strong nation.

When a national/federal government uses the poor to justify the taking of money to take care of the poor, a nation becomes weak. It makes people poor, people who would normally not be dependent find themselves dependent on all kinds of things that they normally wouldn't be.

The whole economy is going down the toilet, for the weak, the strong, the poor, the middle class. In your model, only hedge fund managers will be left, and they are actually just parasites, doing nothing concrete or useful.
On all the evidence or survival, ants are superior to Darwinist strutters and Yank racists by a longshot. 'Superiority' is a meaningless notion here. Species and individuals survive who fit the changing circumstances, that's all.
the difference between ants and humans, is that every single ant works to defend the colony, violently and without mercy if necessary. humans, most of them, are too selfish and cowardly to do so preferring instead to create an elitist class of people and mercenaries to defend them.
The whole economy is going down the toilet, for the weak, the strong, the poor, the middle class. In your model, only hedge fund managers will be left, and they are actually just parasites, doing nothing concrete or useful.


I don't see how what you wrote, has anything to do with what I said.
gobbledy goop and meaningless clap trap.

There is NO proof any of that shit is reality.

your a dupe

The reason you think that way is because you're not a productive citizen watching your money fly out the door for a marxist politicians vote.
the duped sometimes think they cant survive having their dupeplicity unmasked.

Its will actually save them from a world filled with lies
What the fuck are you talking about Goober?

What am I talking about? Your bullshit "citizen's United" crap....your SuperPACs, your lobbyists, your wealthy billionaires helping to.bankroll another wealthy billionaire to get into the greatest office in th world.....all that money plus four years of propaganda against him......and still Obama got reelected.

People are starting to see what the right wing is all about....worship of wealth at the expense of everyone else.
Survival Of The Fittest on a national scale makes a strong nation.

When a national/federal government uses the poor to justify the taking of money to take care of the poor, a nation becomes weak. It makes people poor, people who would normally not be dependent find themselves dependent on all kinds of things that they normally wouldn't be.

Welfare pays fairly low wages, and comes with no means of advancement. So voluntary welfare dependency is, very literally, choosing permanent poverty. Unless of course, with the conservative attacks on collective bargaining and allowance of sub-poverty level wages (or, extreme exploitation), even working won't sustain you. Which is the typically the case, because welfare is, in a regular economy, a support system for workers.

There's also the issue of qualifications, being that TANF is for temporary aid.

So on one hand, welfare in lieu of a job is insane, with no evidence to say it's anywhere near a normal occurrence. And on the other, it's astounding that you think cutting welfare would better the situations of those receiving it. .
Welfare pays fairly low wages, and comes with no means of advancement. So voluntary welfare dependency is, very literally, choosing permanent poverty. Unless of course, with the conservative attacks on collective bargaining and allowance of sub-poverty level wages (or, extreme exploitation), even working won't sustain you. Which is the typically the case, because welfare is, in a regular economy, a support system for workers.

There's also the issue of qualifications, being that TANF is for temporary aid.

So on one hand, welfare in lieu of a job is insane, with no evidence to say it's anywhere near a normal occurrence. And on the other, it's astounding that you think cutting welfare would better the situations of those receiving it. .

It would be hard for the welfare person, seeing that the marxist politicians have ran off most of the good jobs, and made the dollar worth less and less.

The welfare won't last forever. It's only a matter of time.
Survival Of The Fittest on a national scale makes a strong nation.

When a national/federal government uses the poor to justify the taking of money to take care of the poor, a nation becomes weak. It makes people poor, people who would normally not be dependent find themselves dependent on all kinds of things that they normally wouldn't be.

Anyone who thinks capitalist thieves are 'superior' is in the wrong species. Humans survive by co-operation.
What am I talking about? Your bullshit "citizen's United" crap....your SuperPACs, your lobbyists, your wealthy billionaires helping to.bankroll another wealthy billionaire to get into the greatest office in th world.....all that money plus four years of propaganda against him......and still Obama got reelected.

People are starting to see what the right wing is all about....worship of wealth at the expense of everyone else.

G. W. Bush & Dick Cheney got the idiot communist bastard Obama elected Goober & the other fucking moron Mitt Romney got the idiot communist bastard Obama reelected, dumb ass! The moron voters of America love to play musical chairs with the fucking crooked bastards they put into political offices. They’re trying to find the fucking crooked politician that’s less crooked than the last crooked politician. They, (the moron voters), are too fucking stupid to realize that the Democrat/Republican Duopoly is just one BIG FUCKING GOVERNMENT crooked anti-Constitution operation and there’s no such fucking thing as “The Lesser Of Two Evils.” Both parties are EVIL epitomized!

So dream on with your small minded partisan dreams Goober. Your communist Pied-Piper is calling you.
G. W. Bush & Dick Cheney got the idiot communist bastard Obama elected Goober & the other fucking moron Mitt Romney got the idiot communist bastard Obama reelected, dumb ass! The moron voters of America love to play musical chairs with the fucking crooked bastards they put into political offices. They’re trying to find the fucking crooked politician that’s less crooked than the last crooked politician. They, (the moron voters), are too fucking stupid to realize that the Democrat/Republican Duopoly is just one BIG FUCKING GOVERNMENT crooked anti-Constitution operation and there’s no such fucking thing as “The Lesser Of Two Evils.” Both parties are EVIL epitomized!

So dream on with your small minded partisan dreams Goober. Your communist Pied-Piper is calling you.

If that particular bit of nuttiness represents what is 'fittest' in your Eighteenth-Century Republic I'd suggest you are extremely unlikely to survive long in any word yet known.
If that particular bit of nuttiness represents what is 'fittest' in your Eighteenth-Century Republic I'd suggest you are extremely unlikely to survive long in any word yet known.

I'll venture a guess that I've already "survived" longer than you and I haven't done it by supporting any fucking corrupt political party. I've done it in spite of the fucking corrupt political parties!
I'll venture a guess that I've already "survived" longer than you and I haven't done it by supporting any fucking corrupt political party. I've done it in spite of the fucking corrupt political parties!

You've done it by cursing and swearing perhaps, but certainly not by being fit for anything that matters. I am 300 years old, and wearing well, kid.
I'll venture a guess that I've already "survived" longer than you and I haven't done it by supporting any fucking corrupt political party. I've done it in spite of the fucking corrupt political parties!

Really? you never drive on roads built by politicians allocating money? You've survived without clean water which is clean because of politicians enacting laws? You never went to a doctor knowing that he/she was probably not a quack because they were licensed by an agency set up by politicians?

Just a small sample of what politicians and political parties have done for you
Anyone who thinks capitalist thieves are 'superior' is in the wrong species. Humans survive by co-operation.

So the A/C & Heating small business self employed one man show capitalist business owner is a thief.

Why do you hate people trying to feed their families who don't work for someone else?

You know,,,, a capitalist.
So the A/C & Heating small business self employed one man show capitalist business owner is a thief.

Why do you hate people trying to feed their families who don't work for someone else?

You know,,,, a capitalist.

what makes you think your example guy doesn't survive by cooperation?

jesus you live in a make believe world