Suspected flag burner pilloried


Suspected flag burner pilloried
Alleged offender hunted down, ridiculed after incident at VFW post

First published in print: Saturday, September 26, 2009

VALLEY FALLS -- The young man was given three choices: get turned over to the police, go one-on-one in a fight with a seasoned war veteran, or be duct-taped to a flagpole for six hours with a sign around his neck identifying his alleged crime: flag burning.

It was the third option that would still have the small town buzzing a week after a 21-year-old was hunted down and forced to endure a public humiliation with its roots dating to the Middle Ages. Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1938 were incensed enough to tie up the man last Sunday after they accused him of setting the flag in front of their building on fire.

Post Commander Nick Normile, a Vietnam War veteran, said the man came into the post's bar Sept. 18 on Poplar Avenue and was eventually turned away for not having a proper ID.

Apparently angered, the young man, who Normile did not want to name, cut the rope of the American flag flying overhead and used a cigarette lighter to set it on fire, Normile and others said.

The man sat pilloried as the village had its fall youth soccer picnic with a long parade of children passing in front of him.

"He'll never disrespect the flag again, I can tell you that," Normile said.

Normile said the flag had at one point flown over U.S. troops in Iraq had special significance.

Veterans, both local and nationwide, responded to the event as accountings were posted online to the official VFW Facebook page and national Web site. Comments posted supported the act and added ideas for further punishment.

Calls made to the alleged flag burner and a spokesman for the national VFW organization for comments were not returned. The Rensselaer County Sheriffs office confirmed knowledge of the event, but said they were not involved. State Police in Brunswick were contacted, but a trooper said no record of the event could be found.

The flag will be disposed of at a formal ceremony, Normile said.

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What ever happened to the good old days, when a simple asskicking would do?
It's a good thing we had these guys fighting for our freedom, huh? You notice your title, "suspected." I bet after his lawyers are done the VFW will never pillory anyone again.
My first response once an anti-American flag burning amendment bill is passed will be to burn a flag. Conservatives will have made it worth nothing, because they consider it worth nothing. A good reason to deprive conservatives of citizenship and send them to Alaskan work camps.
Suspected flag burner pilloried
Alleged offender hunted down, ridiculed after incident at VFW post

First published in print: Saturday, September 26, 2009

VALLEY FALLS -- The young man was given three choices: get turned over to the police, go one-on-one in a fight with a seasoned war veteran, or be duct-taped to a flagpole for six hours with a sign around his neck identifying his alleged crime: flag burning.

It was the third option that would still have the small town buzzing a week after a 21-year-old was hunted down and forced to endure a public humiliation with its roots dating to the Middle Ages. Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1938 were incensed enough to tie up the man last Sunday after they accused him of setting the flag in front of their building on fire.

Post Commander Nick Normile, a Vietnam War veteran, said the man came into the post's bar Sept. 18 on Poplar Avenue and was eventually turned away for not having a proper ID.

Apparently angered, the young man, who Normile did not want to name, cut the rope of the American flag flying overhead and used a cigarette lighter to set it on fire, Normile and others said.

The man sat pilloried as the village had its fall youth soccer picnic with a long parade of children passing in front of him.

"He'll never disrespect the flag again, I can tell you that," Normile said.

Normile said the flag had at one point flown over U.S. troops in Iraq had special significance.

Veterans, both local and nationwide, responded to the event as accountings were posted online to the official VFW Facebook page and national Web site. Comments posted supported the act and added ideas for further punishment.

Calls made to the alleged flag burner and a spokesman for the national VFW organization for comments were not returned. The Rensselaer County Sheriffs office confirmed knowledge of the event, but said they were not involved. State Police in Brunswick were contacted, but a trooper said no record of the event could be found.

The flag will be disposed of at a formal ceremony, Normile said.

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What ever happened to the good old days, when a simple asskicking would do?

Well, with the escalating rise in fuel prices and the world getting colder (in some places) it seems sensible to burn something to keep you warm. Particularly if there are too many of them and they cost so little.
Come on, my little ones, make yourself warm in this harsh economic climate. Let's get a nice blaze going. Got chestnuts?
My first response once an anti-American flag burning amendment bill is passed will be to burn a flag. Conservatives will have made it worth nothing, because they consider it worth nothing. A good reason to deprive conservatives of citizenship and send them to Alaskan work camps.

so there are laws that can justifiably be ignored?

only YOU get to make that determination?
It's a good thing we had these guys fighting for our freedom, huh? You notice your title, "suspected." I bet after his lawyers are done the VFW will never pillory anyone again.
You got that right. Being stupid must be a qualification for this VFW post. If you take the law into your own hands, you'd better be ready to pay the price.

They should have turned the kid over to the police for arson and destruction of property.

Two wrongs never make a right.
You got that right. Being stupid must be a qualification for this VFW post. If you take the law into your own hands, you'd better be ready to pay the price.

They should have turned the kid over to the police for arson and destruction of property.

Two wrongs never make a right.

Do you not think there is something intrinsically wrong with an obsession with a piece of cloth? No one is more proud of their heritage than me but I would no more prance around with a Union Flag than fly in the air.
And why this constant chatter about fighting for freedom? Is that because people are frightend to admit that many so-called freedoms have already been eroded by successive governments.
Quite puzzling.
Well apparently you are not that proud of your heritage then.

No, it's because I know who I am and I know my history and culture. Flag waving is nothing to do with that, it has more to do with a governmental and peer pressure that if you dont wave a bit of coloured cloth you dont deserve to be called an American.
They have a similar policy in China!
Do you not think there is something intrinsically wrong with an obsession with a piece of cloth? No one is more proud of their heritage than me but I would no more prance around with a Union Flag than fly in the air.
And why this constant chatter about fighting for freedom? Is that because people are frightend to admit that many so-called freedoms have already been eroded by successive governments.
Quite puzzling.
Oh it's naked nationalism. Most people who go around popping off at the mouth about freedom, particularly where using military force is concerned, don't have that first clue what the term means.
Everyone seems to be ignoring one detail, and that is that these veterans were also protecting their own property.

This guy did not go out and buy a flag and burn it in protest. He took down their flag and set fire to it.
Everyone seems to be ignoring one detail, and that is that these veterans were also protecting their own property.

This guy did not go out and buy a flag and burn it in protest. He took down their flag and set fire to it.

OK maybe he could be done on a misdemenour. Taking and burning of someone's property. Had he burned the guy's car no one would give a toss. You people really really have to find our WHO you are and not WHAT you wave.

But look at what you have written. Here is an example of controlled thought. They are sometimes called 'trigger words'.

'veterans'.... old people or retired soldiers.... so? Oh no, they are part of the fear that successive governments have instilled into every American. Without the mil-dairy you will all die!!! Look out!!!

'Protect' ... kow-towing to the ridiculous notion that somehow none of you are safe (see 1984). You are all going to be killed in your beds by ..... THEM!!

'flag' ... in any other context simply a piece of coloured cloth but when in the context of the previous two words a sign that the manipulation is complete.

You haven't got an original thought in your heads. They haven't allowed anything like that for generations.
OK maybe he could be done on a misdemenour. Taking and burning of someone's property. Had he burned the guy's car no one would give a toss. You people really really have to find our WHO you are and not WHAT you wave.

But look at what you have written. Here is an example of controlled thought. They are sometimes called 'trigger words'.

'veterans'.... old people or retired soldiers.... so? Oh no, they are part of the fear that successive governments have instilled into every American. Without the mil-dairy you will all die!!! Look out!!!

'Protect' ... kow-towing to the ridiculous notion that somehow none of you are safe (see 1984). You are all going to be killed in your beds by ..... THEM!!

'flag' ... in any other context simply a piece of coloured cloth but when in the context of the previous two words a sign that the manipulation is complete.

You haven't got an original thought in your heads. They haven't allowed anything like that for generations.

You need to reread the article.

He was offered 3 choices. One of those was being turned over to the police.

The man made a choice to burn someone else's property. That is was the flag is not as important as the fact they he intentionally destroyed something that he knew those people valued greatly.

He was then offered 3 choices of punishment. He could have chosen the police and legal prosecution. He could have chosen to defend himself in a fight with one of those "old people or retired soldiers". But he chose to be bound and humiliated. That says a lot about the man in question.