Swalwell passes the torch.....

I have heard him interviewed a few times. He is bright and knowledgable. Why do rightys have to call people names? He is too young and inexperienced for the highest office. Just like Mayor Pete. Running for president is a huge jump. Not as big as jumping from a reality show host, but big. I suppose Trump pulling it off made people think"If that idiot can do it , so can I"
He shoulda opened the door to his closet where he was keeping those mountains of collusion evidence about "THE PRESIDENT" & thereby exposed the criminal in the White House & thereby became the hero of the rabid mad junkyard dog democrats, huh? Apparently he was talkin out his ass!
He shoulda opened the door to his closet where he was keeping those mountains of collusion evidence about "THE PRESIDENT" & thereby exposed the criminal in the White House & thereby became the hero of the rabid mad junkyard dog democrats, huh? Apparently he was talkin out his ass!

He became the hero of the Dems and is the first man out. You can make sense of that? Do you even try?
He shoulda opened the door to his closet where he was keeping those mountains of collusion evidence about "THE PRESIDENT" & thereby exposed the criminal in the White House & thereby became the hero of the rabid mad junkyard dog democrats, huh? Apparently he was talkin out his ass!

You're always talking out your ass.

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What was his big issue claim? Impeach Trump? Global warming? Love conquers all? Reparations? Open borders? Free college?
Or did he even have one?

Proving you did not listen to him when he spoke on TV or at rallies. I would think that would preclude you from responding. He is smart and gave well-reasoned responses. However, the Dems have lots of intelligent candidates. That does not make him stand out among them. It would make him unique if he were a righty.
they will all take turns being your heroes and being rejected.......

You will repeatedly make illogical posts and get painted into corners again and again. This thread is ridiculous. Swalwell never had the torch to pass. Trump is a terrible human being and a miserable president.
Proving you did not listen to him when he spoke on TV or at rallies.
I don't watch TV. As to his rallies very few people did.
I don't even watch Trump rallies, the gold standard of rallies.
I would think that would preclude you from responding.
Why not ? It was just a simple question. You don't seem knowledgeable enough about him to answer.
He is smart and gave well-reasoned responses. However, the Dems have lots of intelligent candidates. That does not make him stand out among them. It would make him unique if he were a righty.
Since you didn't
know enough about him to answer I googled him and found out.
I think he wanted to impeach gun control.....
Seems PMP was correct.
Guns aren't really considered that big of an issue to make that the main one to run for president on.
Trump has made immigration the No. 1 issue and he wins hands down on that.
they will all take turns being your heroes and being rejected.......

Do you know what it takes to become a hero? Calling everyone you do not like a hero of the left, detracts from whatever puerile message you are attempting to convey. You cheapen the word and gut your post. Respect the language.
I don't watch TV. As to his rallies very few people did.
I don't even watch Trump rallies, the gold standard of rallies. Why not ? It was just a simple question. You don't seem knowledgeable enough about him to answer.Since you didn't
know enough about him to answer I googled him and found out.Seems PMP was correct.
Guns aren't really considered that big of an issue to make that the main one to run for president on.
Trump has made immigration the No. 1 issue and he wins hands down on that.

Said it before, I have seen him interviewed a few times and he did not stand out. He is bright and knowledgable like most Dem candidates are. He would stand out in the right because they do not value those things.
He is bright and knowledgable like most Dem candidates are.
Then Why can't any of them stump Trump on immigration?
And free college, forgiveness of student loans, reparations, open borders, and doing away with all private health ins. isn't very bright. It's insanity.
Do you know what it takes to become a hero? Calling everyone you do not like a hero of the left, detracts from whatever puerile message you are attempting to convey. You cheapen the word and gut your post. Respect the language.

???.....I respect the language.......its demmycrats I don't respect.......
nothing needs to be added......your stupidity sits on its own ass......

And you do it again. Trump is using immigration as Hitler did. He is picking out what groups to direct hate at, as he sows more dissension. You children leap onto the hate train post after post. Trump thinks racism will win for him in 2020. He has you buying a ticket.
You cannot write it. Your one-line drive by posts indicates your depth of thought. You add nothing.

That is not by accident, or pure laziness, but by design........ TO bad, he could actually add a lot to the conversation if he wanted to..