Sweden: Bomb capital of Europe

According to Sweden's top criminologist...

"Sweden's most renowned criminologist Leif GW Persson considers right-wing extremism a likely motive for many of the bombings. Excluding attacks clearly related to gang conflicts, a large number of the bombings have caused no injuries and seem to have been mostly for show. Persson considers this an indication that they may be committed by people trying to sway public opinion against immigrants and for a hardline policy against crime."

So according to this guy, a significant percentage the bombings are also being committed by right-wing bigots (like you) as a propaganda tactic to sway public opinion against immigrants because they get the blame for all of them.

It's a totally credible and believable scenario, because we all know that is EXACTLY the kind of underhanded shit the right is known for.

The Swedes have been in almost total denial over these bombings, I daresay that some might be attributable to false flag operations. However the nature of the bombings have changed substantially in recent times. Whilst previously they tended to be grenades, they are now more likely to be homemade IEDs activated remotely. I realise it's the default setting for primitive thinkers like you to call out racism regardless. However it's clear that you've no real insight on this, have never been to southern Sweden or indeed know any Swedes.
According to Sweden's top criminologist...

"Sweden's most renowned criminologist Leif GW Persson considers right-wing extremism a likely motive for many of the bombings. Excluding attacks clearly related to gang conflicts, a large number of the bombings have caused no injuries and seem to have been mostly for show. Persson considers this an indication that they may be committed by people trying to sway public opinion against immigrants and for a hardline policy against crime."

So according to this guy, a significant percentage the bombings are also being committed by right-wing bigots (like you) as a propaganda tactic to sway public opinion against immigrants because they get the blame for all of them.

It's a totally credible and believable scenario, because we all know that is EXACTLY the kind of underhanded shit the right is known for.

Typical that Nonads is too lazy to provide a link!
Is that the only criteria then? I am damn sure they will escalate to the next level if the Swedes continue to deny reality. I have a good friend who lives in Malmö and he says people are terrified to go out at night. Over 30% of the populace are migrants mainly from the Middle East and Africa. Many are young single men without any family, refuse to learn Swedish and have few transferable work skills. They are storing up huge problems for the future, maybe you should go there and see for yoursek

No, however you seem to be criticizing Sweden and its form of government for having this problem, while our form of government seems to have produced a much worse problem.
The Swedes have been in almost total denial over these bombings, I daresay that some might be attributable to false flag operations. However the nature of the bombings have changed substantially in recent times. Whilst previously they tended to be grenades, they are now more likely to be homemade IEDs activated remotely. I realise it's the default setting for primitive thinkers like you to call out racism regardless. However it's clear that you've no real insight on this, have never been to southern Sweden or indeed know any Swedes.

Until you right-wing zealot goofballs stop constantly lying through your teeth like your poster boy Trump, and until you stop constantly twisting facts, exaggerating and blowing things out of proportion for propaganda purposes, nobody outside your enclave of droolers and mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers will ever take anything any of you say, 100% seriously.

Typical that Nonads is too lazy to provide a link!


99 times out of 100 I always provide links.

I forgot to put it in that time, but it's easy enough for even a dullard like you to find.

Typical that Banana Loon is too lazy to Google it himself.
No, however you seem to be criticizing Sweden and its form of government for having this problem, while our form of government seems to have produced a much worse problem.

They never had any kind of problem, with gangs, ghettoes and bombing previously. That is until they let in Muslim migrants. They were warned back in 2015 of the consequences but ignored all advice. The Danish were far more sensible and just waved them through, even going so far as to give free rail travel.
Until you right-wing zealot goofballs stop constantly lying through your teeth like your poster boy Trump, and until you stop constantly twisting facts, exaggerating and blowing things out of proportion for propaganda purposes, nobody outside your enclave of droolers and mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers will ever take anything any of you say, 100% seriously.


99 times out of 100 I always provide links.

I forgot to put it in that time, but it's easy enough for even a dullard like you to find.

Typical that Banana Loon is too lazy to Google it himself.

I was warning about this way back in 2015, I love the Swedes and hate what their stupid naive government has done to them. I reiterate, you've never been to southern Sweden and you don't know any Swedes yet you think that I'm exaggerating the problem.

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I was warning about this way back in 2015, I love the Swedes and hate what their stupid naive government has done to them. I reiterate, you've never been to southern Sweden and you don't know any Swedes yet you think that I'm exaggerating the problem.

You're posting crap being put out by websites with an obvious right-wing agenda.

The link in the above post is to a site named Harbingers Daily.

And right there in the masthead reads their slogan "World News With a Biblical Relevance".

Imagine that... an anti-Muslim story in a Christian publication.

Surprise, surprise.

As I said and will repeat, until you right-wing zealot goofballs stop constantly lying through your teeth like your poster boy Trump, and until you stop constantly twisting facts, exaggerating and blowing things out of proportion for propaganda purposes, nobody outside your enclave of droolers and mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers will ever take anything any of you say, 100% seriously.

That goes for you all here at JPP and rwnj's everywhere as well as the right-wing sources you cite.

There is another side to the story being put forth by actual Swedish officials and citizens that I have no reason to not believe, especially not just because you say I shouldn't and post links to right-wing FAKE NEWS websites.
You're posting crap being put out by websites with an obvious right-wing agenda.

The link in the above post is to a site named Harbingers Daily.

And right there in the masthead reads their slogan "World News With a Biblical Relevance".

Imagine that... an anti-Muslim story in a Christian publication.

Surprise, surprise.

As I said and will repeat, until you right-wing zealot goofballs stop constantly lying through your teeth like your poster boy Trump, and until you stop constantly twisting facts, exaggerating and blowing things out of proportion for propaganda purposes, nobody outside your enclave of droolers and mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers will ever take anything any of you say, 100% seriously.

That goes for you all here at JPP and rwnj's everywhere as well as the right-wing sources you cite.

There is another side to the story being put forth by actual Swedish offiOh not in the rich areas they are cials and citizens that I have no reason to not believe, especially not just because you say I shouldn't and post links to right-wing FAKE NEWS websites.

LIsten up matey, I been to Malmo a couple of times and it can be a scary place at night. You really do spout some serious bullshit, it makes me wonder just what the hell is wrng with you. Every leftist on here does the same thing and attacks the source without knowing any better. Well here is the Guardian, I wonder if you'll believe them?

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LIsten up matey, I been to Malmo a couple of times and it can be a scary place at night. You really do spout some serious bullshit, it makes me wonder just what the hell is wrng with you. Every leftist on here does the same thing and attacks the source without knowing any better. Well here is the Guardian, I wonder if you'll believe them?

I don't give a fuck where you've visited in your never ending pursuit of transvestite sex. One visit does not make you an expert on the complex social matters of a country you are neither a native or resident of.

But... let me quote a few revealing tidbits from your Guardian article, which you either failed to read carefully, or hoped/assumed I wouldn't.

1.) From right below the headline: "Police say lack of fatalities ‘incredibly lucky’ after 30 bomb squad call-outs in two months"

In my previous post, I suggested that some of these bombs might have been planted by certain political groups as a scare tactic, hoping to make another group take the blame. This, though not proof, is evidence of that possibility.

2.) "Malmö’s police chief, Stefan Sintius, said there had been 28 explosions so far this year in Sweden’s third biggest city, scene of a string of gun and bomb attacks that right wing politicians have linked to the large flows of immigrants who arrived in in Sweden during the 2015 migration crisis."

Note the bold, enlarged text. R/w politicians jumping to conclusions and blaming minorities and foreigners is nothing new.

3.) "The bombs, which mostly target empty buildings, offices and cars, are usually small...." So, while a serious situation, it's not quite the "hair on fire" crisis you're painting it as.

4.) "Despite the gang attacks, Sweden’s murder rate has fallen since the 1990s and remains among the world’s lowest, with killings linked to domestic violence, hate crime and “spontaneous fights” all significantly down."

Still among the lowest murder and violent crime rate in the world. Yet according to you, the Muslims have turned it into Lebanon in the 80's.

Like I said.... rwnj's like you are very proficient and prolific when it comes to over-blowing and exaggerating the severity of anything that can be tied to groups of people who you disapprove of.

You really do spout some serious bullshit, it makes me wonder just what the hell is wrong with you.
I don't give a fuck.

We've already gathered that, you're a truly weird cunt, ignorant and arrogant in equal measure.

In a period of two weeks earlier this year, five explosions took place in the country. It’s not unusual these days — Swedes have grown accustomed to headlines of violent crime, witness intimidation and gangland executions. In a country long renowned for its safety, voters cite “law and order” as the most important issue ahead of the general election in September.

The topic of crime is sensitive, however, and debate about the issue in the consensus-oriented Scandinavian society is restricted by taboos.

Indeed it is, although, to be fair, those taboos are fraying fairly rapidly. Nevertheless, Sweden remains a country where, whether by law or, even more so, social convention, free speech is not quite as free as it should be. There is, to borrow a useful Swedish term, an ‘opinion corridor’ (åsiktskorridor) beyond which people are not meant to stray. Again, that corridor has widened—the fact that someone has even defined it is a measure of that—but not yet by enough.

There is also something else. To admit that there was a connection between current crime rates and what was (until recently) an extraordinarily generous immigration policy would be to admit that much of the political and media class has messed up. That is not something that such prominenti are keen to do. Thus, for example, they emphasize the fall in the murder rates. Fair enough, you might think, but…

To understand crime in Sweden, it’s important to note that Sweden has benefited from the West’s broad decline in deadly violence, particularly when it comes to spontaneous violence and alcohol-related killings. The overall drop in homicides has been, however, far smaller in Sweden than in neighboring countries.

Gang-related gun murders, now mainly a phenomenon among men with immigrant backgrounds in the country’s parallel societies, increased from 4 per year in the early 1990s to around 40 last year. Because of this, Sweden has gone from being a low-crime country to having homicide rates significantly above the Western European average. Social unrest, with car torchings, attacks on first responders and even riots, is a recurring phenomenon….

The rising levels of violence have not gone unnoticed by Sweden’s Scandinavian neighbors. Norwegians commonly use the phrase “Swedish conditions” to describe crime and social unrest. The view from Denmark was made clear when former President of NATO and Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said in an interview on Swedish TV: “I often use Sweden as a deterring example.”

Swedes, explains Neuding, “are not prone to grandiose manifestations of national pride, but the notion of a “Swedish Model” — that the country has much to teach the world — is a vital part of the national self-image.” That ‘but’ has to carry a lot of weight. There is nothing modest about the idea that Sweden has “much to teach the world”, however saintly those teachings are supposed to be.

Nevertheless, for a complex set of reasons, some of them far from saintly, Sweden has indeed had a real sense that it is, morally, a cut above the rest of us, a sense that reached a zenith of self-regard with the claim that Sweden is a “humanitarian superpower.” That’s a phrase heard less often than it was, as the consequences of this idea (specifically when it came to immigration policy) became rather inconveniently clear, but its traces can be detected in the boast by the country’s foreign minister (a former EU Commissioner, naturally) that Sweden would pursue a feminist foreign policy. Quite what that really means is not particularly clear, but it does appear to leave room for the wearing of the hijab by female members of official delegations grubbing around for business with the Iranian theocracy.

Since crime is intimately linked to the country’s failure to integrate its immigrants, the rise in violence is a sensitive subject. When the Swedish government and opposition refer to the country as a “humanitarian superpower” because it opened its doors to more immigrants per capita during the migrant crisis than any other EU country, they mean it. This has resulted in some impressive contortions.

“Impressive contortions” that have, among many twists, included a spot of propaganda (odd that: Sweden, of course, opposes fake news).

In March, Labor Market Minister Ylva Johansson appeared on the BBC, where she claimed that the number of reported rapes and sexual harassment cases “is going down and going down and going down.” In fact, the opposite is true, which Johansson later admitted in an apology.

Similarly, in an op-ed for the Washington Post, former Prime Minister Carl Bildt described the country’s immigration policy as a success story. He did not elaborate on violent crime. After repeated attacks against Jewish institutions in December — including the firebombing of a synagogue in Gothenburg — Bildt took to the same paper to claim that anti-Semitism is not a major problem in Sweden.

“Historically, in Sweden it was the Catholics that were seen as the dangerous threat that had to be fought and restricted,” Bildt claimed, seemingly unaware that the laws he cited also applied to Jews. Intermarriage was illegal and hostility was based on ideas of Jews as racially inferior. Bildt’s attempt to relativize current anti-Semitism with odd and inaccurate historical arguments reflects how nervously Swedish elites react to negative headlines about their country.

Another spectacular example is an official government website on “Facts about migration, integration and crime in Sweden,” which alleges to debunk myths about the country. One “false claim” listed by the government is that “Not long ago, Sweden saw its first Islamic terrorist attack.”

This is surprising, since the Uzbek jihadist Rakhmat Akilov has pleaded guilty to the truck ramming that killed five people in Stockholm last April and swore allegiance to the Islamic State prior to the attack. Akilov, who is currently standing trial, has proudly repeated his support for ISIS and stated that his motive was to kill Swedish citizens. He also had documented contacts with international jihadis…

Read the whole thing.

https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/sweden-crime-rates-immigration-policies/ up
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I am sure the citizens of Stockholm are delighted to know that a 'terrorist motive' has been ruled out so far. So just a random massive bomb blast then. That's good, is it?

"Swedish Moderate Party leader Ulf Kristersson has slammed the ruling Social Democrats, saying the government has lost control of the country after a huge explosion rocked a Stockholm residential area.

Mr Kristersson noted the rise in the number of explosions and bombings across Sweden, citing figures from the Crime Prevention Council (Bra) that revealed the country suffered 230 bombings in 2019 alone.

“Unfortunately, this government has lost control of what is happening in Sweden. Now in the morning, we woke up again to news of bombs and explosions, this time in Stockholm’s inner city and in central Uppsala,” Kristersson wrote in an op-ed for newspaper Aftonbladet.

The blast in Stockholm, which took place on Sunday night, was labelled as one of the most powerful explosions in Stockholm by police area manager Erik Widstrand. Police said it was “pure luck” no one was injured in the blast but ruled out any terrorist motive so far."
I am sure the citizens of Stockholm are delighted to know that a 'terrorist motive' has been ruled out so far. So just a random massive bomb blast then. That's good, is it?

"Swedish Moderate Party leader Ulf Kristersson has slammed the ruling Social Democrats, saying the government has lost control of the country after a huge explosion rocked a Stockholm residential area.

Mr Kristersson noted the rise in the number of explosions and bombings across Sweden, citing figures from the Crime Prevention Council (Bra) that revealed the country suffered 230 bombings in 2019 alone.

“Unfortunately, this government has lost control of what is happening in Sweden. Now in the morning, we woke up again to news of bombs and explosions, this time in Stockholm’s inner city and in central Uppsala,” Kristersson wrote in an op-ed for newspaper Aftonbladet.

The blast in Stockholm, which took place on Sunday night, was labelled as one of the most powerful explosions in Stockholm by police area manager Erik Widstrand. Police said it was “pure luck” no one was injured in the blast but ruled out any terrorist motive so far."

It looks like they truly have Stockholm syndrome.
It looks like they truly have Stockholm syndrome.

The liberal elite are in total denial, basically because they'd have to admit that letting in hundreds of thousands of mainly young single Muslim men, many of whom are poorly educated, refuse to learn Swedish and are effectively unemployable, was maybe not such a good idea.
The liberal elite are in total denial, basically because they'd have to admit that letting in hundreds of thousands of mainly young single Muslim men, many of whom are poorly educated, refuse to learn Swedish and are effectively unemployable, was maybe not such a good idea.

Yep, "cultural diversity" sure has been wonderful for Sweden, hasn't it? Just dreadful.