Verified User
Op .... blow hard much ?
Hello and welcome SteveKlinko,
I bring your attention (as I normally do for all newcomers) to my:
Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate! ps: Feel free to adopt my PIP. It works well.
If this is agreeable to you then I hope we have many great discussions.
If you cannot agree to the above, we probably won't be talking very long, in which case, any attempted political discussions between us would be moot.
I am not here to talk about myself. I am well acquainted with myself. No, I am not the subject. This is not about me. I am here to talk about politics. National and world politics.
The reason you are so curious about me, and the left in general, is because you have likely been making the same mistakes most of the right makes. That would be attempting to redefine the left instead of simply listening to what the left is actually saying.
Ann Coulter did the right a great disservice with her book: "How to talk to a liberal."
Basically, she posited that everything a liberal says must be treated as a lie and that the 'trick' is to look for the hidden meaning.
But really, what is going on is the right simply does not listen to the left, and instead tries to make up a different message and respond to that. It is a false message.
It is a mass example of the failed Straw Man argument.
That's because if the right is honest about what the left really says, the right really has no good argument.
I agree to Civil Discourse and I believe I have been Civil.
So you Deny the implications in my OP. That's fine and I'm happy to hear that. That's at least a start. But the implications exist to get your attention. I don't really think for example that Liberals believe: Every Cop is a Criminal and all the Sinners Saints. But the thing that Puzzles me (which is the real point of the OP) is that Liberals (the ones I see on cable News) will Enable and Accept the people that are saying these things about the Police. Likewise for all the other implications in the OP. It seems to be some sort of Game that they (I'll leave You out of it) are playing. I just simply, with courtesy, and civility ask: What is the nature of their Game?
I don't even know what Ann Coulter says. Where did you come up with that? She pops up on the cable shows every now and then but haven't seen her in a while.
93 percent peaceful. No killing.
You are a person of Wealth and Taste. For you ... every Cop is a Criminal ... and all the Sinners Saints. I'd like to have some Sympathy, but what Puzzles me ... is the nature of your Game.
All the window breakers ... and all the building burners ... will certainly vote for ... can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself ... then take their votes. That's the nature of your Game ... you have enabled them ... and you have accepted them.
All the police defunders ... and all the police dismantlers ... will certainly vote for ... can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself ... then take their votes. That's the nature of your Game ... you have enabled them ... and you have accepted them.
All the statue topplers ... and all the history rewriters ... will certainly vote for ... can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself ... then take their votes. That's the nature of your Game ... you have enabled them ... and you have accepted them.
All the America haters ... and all the Capitalist haters ... will certainly vote for ... can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself ... then take their votes. That's the nature of your Game ... you have enabled them ... and you have accepted them.
All the race-baiters ... and all the riot sympathizers ... will certainly vote for ... can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself ... then take their votes. That's the nature of your Game ... you have enabled them ... and you have accepted them.
All the police assassins ... and the death to police chanters ... will certainly vote for ... can you guess his name? He would be pleased to meet them and introduce himself ... then take their votes. That's the nature of your Game ... you have enabled them ... and you have accepted them.
But to me it's still a puzzling Game ... and if I meet you ... I'll have some courtesy ... some sympathy ... and some taste. I'll be polite as possible and ask ... What is the nature of your Game?
Show us the videos of all this alleged destruction that's happening every day. Where is the footage of the smashing and the looting and the burning?
Show us the videos of all this alleged destruction that's happening every day. Where is the footage of the smashing and the looting and the burning?
In the Fox "News" video vault.
"Authoritative". "Impartial" "Fact-checker".
Thanks for the laugh.
Maybe we should rely on Tucker Carlson to fact check?![]()
Trump's America:
LOL. Watch Lesion keeping going. He's all his lonesome.
It has to be boring.
It's hard to take dishonest stupidity like this seriously. You should seek out the help of a mental health professional you delusional loon.![]()
Hello SteveKlinko,
I thanked your post because I appreciate a commitment to civility.
"I don't really think for example that Liberals believe: Every Cop is a Criminal and all the Sinners Saints. "
Glad to hear that. I don't think anyone believes all cops are criminal. The problem is there are bullies who aspire to become police. And police unions protect bad cops. After they get away with abuse, and get fired, and then their union lawyers force the department to hire them back, with back pay, then these bullies get the idea they can pretty much do no wrong.
That's not right. Nobody is supposed to be above the law. But some of these police really do feel that way.
Why are police unions fighting body cams?
We need to know what our police are doing. This has to do with more than their rights. They are charged with enforcing the law. If they ignore the law among themselves and only enforce it selectively, that's a police state. That doesn't make America great. That makes America meaningless.
You'll have to show me examples of people who say 'every cop is a criminal.' If someone said that, it is not representative of the entire left.
The Coulter example was all about what she said, not who she is. It was this thing that we see way too much of on the right. People want to make up a caricature of the left and use that instead of listening to what people on the left actually say. Well, if the right is not listening to what the left is actually saying, and instead just making things up and pretending the left said it, then that's not seeing reality. That's just creating a big straw man that's easy to tear apart.
If the left is really so bad, why does the right have to make things up about the left?
Why can't the right simply react to what is actually going on on the left?
Isn't that bad enough? And if not, then maybe the left isn't so bad after all.............
One would think that the right should be able to find plenty to object to about the left without embellishing and making it worse.
But that rarely happens. Instead, we see all this propaganda about how bad the left is; and little to none of it is accurate.
How many times do we hear somebody on the right saying the left hates America? That's BS. We are all Americans. We all love America.
You don't hear the left saying such garbage about the right.
Back to your question.
What you really want to know is what makes the left tick. You want to define the left, lay it all out so it can be easily seen, warp it up and put it in a nice box: 'This is the left.'
Here's the thing. That can't be done. That would be like trying to describe America in a neat little package. It can't be done. It's too diverse. It embodies a lot of very different people. The left is more diverse than the right, and the right is pretty diverse.
There's all kinds of people on the right. You've got your rich billionaires and super-rich multi millionaires, there's the rural working stiffs who think Trump is this great businessman who is no-nonsense say-it-like-it-is kinda guy they can identify with (despite the fact that Trump himself would never want anything to do with them,) there are the racist white supremacists, the anti-abortion evangelicals, the anti-Trumpers who favor low taxes but are also concerned about the budget, and more. That's a pretty wide array of people. Pretty hard to pin any common traits on all of them.
The left is even more diverse than the right. There are Blacks, women's rights advocates, atheists, unions, Native Americans, immigrants, Jews, Muslims, Latinos, College people, Hollywood people, sports players, Musicians, artists, city people of all flavors, people who depend on government assistance, environmentalists, non-union worker advocates, and more.
How can anyone look at such diversity and expect a unified message out of all those different wide groups of individuals?
I think one of the biggest mistakes on the right, and on the left, is expecting either side to have a consistent message or common motivation.
These terms left and right are just labels. We use them to group different generalities of thought and describe the differences. No way it means this half or that half acts a certain way or speaks with a unified message. It's messy. Politics is messy. Any attempts to simplify it quickly become dangerous over-simplifications. Without getting under the surface, they are of little use.
It's why politics is so fraught with apathy. There is so much to know that few people can really be fully fluent with everything, know all the history, understand all the implications. Who's got the time for that?
Getting an education, working a job, taking care of life's demands, family, friends, social circle, having a life, enjoying entertainment, retirement planning, etc, is enough to keep people plenty busy without spending hours trying to become fully informed. Most people are intimidated by politics. They don't like it. It's nasty. There's attitudes. Grudges. Who wants to take on a load of grief when life already throws more at people than they can handle?
Plenty of people want nothing to do with politics. All they see is that nothing gets resolved, people are mean and nasty about it, and they don't even want to talk about it. They don't want to get into it and reveal how little they know.
If politics and the left and the right seem bewildering and hard to comprehend, welcome to the crowd. No one person can understand it all.
I watched your first video and everyone in it was yelling about how patriotic it was to overthrow government. They complained about government overreach.
Sounds an awful like the right, if you ask me.
Then again, looting and destruction of property is the American way going all the way back to the Boston Tea Party.
What you saw in that video were a bunch of shrill low IQ loons on the left that support the Democratic Party of the Jackass. You don't overthrow your government because you can't win in a free election.
You're not very smart.
Wait. Remember how there were right-wingers claiming that civil unrest would result if Obama were elected? Remember when Texans wanted to secede from the Union a few years back? Remember when all the gun nuts were threatening to overthrow government?
But when people actually do those things, you attack them. Hypocrite. And you claim that the people in your video are "liberals," yet every sentiment expressed in the video comes from the right.