You "Conservatives" forget very fast.
The best party about the Libertarian party is their foreign policy. The "Conservative" party doesn't even know what "Conservative" is. They openly celebrate kicking Bush Sr. out because he raised taxes when he went to war via Norquist. They basically think that if we cut taxes we can win votes and lay that debt onto the next guy. WEIRD how that catches up to you.
Iraq was based on a sold lie. Rebuilding Iraq was big money for the Federal Reserve, Halliburton, and Bush/Cheney. The angry families that followed the Iraq attack were deemed terrorists, so we write this off as "ok" as if none of us would attack a different country if our kids were killed based on a lie.
The war on Syria was in place since '07, the Government just had to find a way to make it socially acceptable. Even after providing arms to the rebels it seems Americans aren't convinced. CIA use to be so much better at Coup de tat's.