Tactical Nuclear Penguin (pic)

Speciality beers are usually consumed by odd beardy types who drink it solely in order to write critical reviews about it on the internets, noting it's "fruity cinnamon and smoked plantain bouquet" and all that bidness.
Thanks for the compliment on my beard, but I drink it because I like good beer.
I hadn't really thought about it before, because the only Irish whiskey I'm familiar with is Jameson. Also, I can't imagine the Brits think much of it... :guin:

The Irish were always good at dissing the Brits.

MICHAEL COLLINS IRISH WHISKEYS are the dawning of a new era for Irish whiskey. They are a contemporary reflection of Ireland's rich heritage as a land long associated with the distilling of premium whiskeys. Michael Collins Whiskeys are proudly distilled, blended, aged and bottled by the only independent Irish-owned distillery in Ireland.

Every Christmas I buy myself gift boxes of gin and whiskey that come with specialty glasses, and last year it happened to be this brand. It's awesome stuff, better than any "scotch" that I've had.

Plus the bottle's too pretty to throw out. And again, it makes a handy club. The sucker weighs a ton and would probably crush an intruder's skull before it broke.