Yeah, you're geekier than moi.
Oh the corporations are evil was there undoubtedly, but so was lower taxes.
I think a lot of people get tired of that old strawman about "evil corporations". Being objective about the reality of corporations doesn't mean you're hostile towards them. It just means you except the reality of their nature.
You may believe, if you wish and to paraphrase a former GM CEO, That what is good for corporations is what is good for America.
I'm not that naive. It is the function of any company or corporation to earn and maximize profits. For any manager of a corporation, that too is their ethical obligation. It is also what they were hired to do. There is nothing wrong with that. This is what these institutions are structured and organized to do and they do it well and we all prosper from that and we give these corporations limited liability so that we may share in that prosperity with out corporations having to bear all the risk.
But you'd be a damn fool to believe that what is in the interest of a corporation is always in your best interest because the reality is, if your best interest conflicts with a corporations ability to maximize its profits they will sacrifice or disregard what is in your best interest with out a second thought.
That is why it is a legitimate function of our government, via the interstate commerce clause, to regulate commerce in the PUBLIC's interests.
Because if a corporation has to chose between profits and the public interest then "The Public Be Damned!"
The fact is, is that unless coerced, corporations are utterly with out a social conscience and since it is society which provides them the means, via limited liability, to even exist, the price they have to pay is regulation of commerce to protect not only the public interest but the interest of individuals and individual consumers.