Take The Social Attitude Test!

When "legion" first appeared under all different names, one of the mods said he used to be a regular poster here who apparently had some grievance or other (no doubt a white male, many of whom are malcontents, I guess we are lucky we are not all in the same room or he or one of you other malcontented white dudes would have went on a mass shooting rampage) and became "legion".

Billy hates legion. Now, Billy hates everyone so the rest of this has to be taken with that in mind...Billy also hated CK. Legion hates Billy. I believe CK also hated Billy. In fact, I believe they had some sort of personal grudge match on FP, though I don't recall really because I didn't know or pay attention to either of them then.

Also, legion's real politics, so far as I can discern, do line up with CK's. That is, they are both nominally liberals, but both have zero respect for women, privilege "free speech" over women and minority's' rights not to be harrassed out of public spaces, and a few other things. They really line up well.

I can't think of who else legion could be, though I admit I have blanked on many of the older posters who dropped out. Many long before the other aol'ers got here so they wouldn't even know them. Blackflag, I hate government, gonzo, Digital Dave, I mean the list is endless. So I definitely could have overlooked a likelier candidate.

Edit to say, my mistake, i thought you meant Monty was Low. He could be CK for all I know...though for a while now I've wondered if CK hasn't been legion all this time. But I really don't know. I do miss Low though.

I thought that as well.
Political Values

Radicalism 44.5
Socialism 18.75
Tenderness 59.375

These scores indicate that you are a moderate; this is the political profile one might associate with a protective parent. It appears that you are moderate towards religion, and have a balanced attitude towards humanity in general.

Your attitudes towards economics appear laissez-faire capitalist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as right-wing.

To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, a centrist with many strong opinions.

This concludes our analysis; we hope you found your results accurate, useful, and interesting.
everyone is obsessed with people being someone else. but other than suspecting they are someone that was banned, at the end of the day it's a real username, with a real person behind it, typing real things. legion is legion. legion may also be somebody else, but he may not be. it doesn't really matter, unless you are trying to satisfy your own curiosity I suppose.
how the fuck did everyone get such high tenderness scores?

Radicalism 74.75
Socialism 12.5
Tenderness 25

These scores indicate that you are a tough-minded moderate progressive; this is the political profile one might associate with a liberated atheist. It appears that you are cynical towards religion, and have a suspicious and unsympathetic attitude towards humanity in general.

hmm I don't know guys, what do you think? Is this accurate?

Your attitudes towards economics appear laissez-faire capitalist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as libertarian.

To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, a pragmatist with several strong opinions.
I say the scores are dead on.......especially the Radicalism and Socialism ......don't it concern you people that scoring so high in these areas, to see that this little test exposes your mental illness.....?
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Radicalism 83
Socialism 62.5
Tenderness 56.25

These scores indicate that you are a progressive; this is the political profile one might associate with a university professor. It appears that you are skeptical towards religion, and have a pragmatic attitude towards humanity in general.

Your attitudes towards economics appear socialist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as a political centrist.

To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, an idealist with several strong opinions.

This concludes our analysis; we hope you found your results accurate, useful, and interesting.

Unlike many other political tests found on the Internet which base themselves on untested (and usually ideologically motivated) ideas, this inventory is adapted from Hans Eysenck's own political inventory which was developed after extensive empirical investigations in the 20th Century.

I say the scores are dead on.......especially the Radicalism and Socialism ......don't it concern you people that scoring so high in these areas, to see that this little test exposes your mental illness.....?

Have you noticed that Liberals and Libertarians score similarly high on the radicalism score? ;)
Given this tests question format and and single point scale I wonder if radicalism is not more or less interchangeable with 'discontent' or 'desire to reform' . Perhaps even a 'distrust of politics'. It is obvious the test designers have liberal sympathies. I think radicalism was used deliberately to try to condition those towards the center into accepting or embracing the term. Break down the taboo and its barrier against reform.
Given this tests question format and and single point scale I wonder if radicalism is not more or less interchangeable with 'discontent' or 'desire to reform' . Perhaps even a 'distrust of politics'. It is obvious the test designers have liberal sympathies. I think radicalism was used deliberately to try to condition those towards the center into accepting or embracing the term. Break down the taboo and its barrier against reform.

rad·i·cal·ism [rad-i-kuh-liz-uhm] Show IPA

1. the holding or following of radical or extreme views or principles.

2. the principles or practices of radicals.

World English Dictionary

radicalism (ˈrædɪkəˌlɪzəm)

— n
1. the principles, desires, or practices of political radicals
2. a radical movement, esp in politics
3. the state or nature of being radical, esp in politics

rad·i·cal [rad-i-kuhl] Show IPA

1. of or going to the root or origin; fundamental: a radical difference.

2. thoroughgoing or extreme, especially as regards change from accepted or traditional forms: a radical change in the policy of a company.

3. favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms: radical ideas; radical and anarchistic ideologues.

4. forming a basis or foundation.

5. existing inherently in a thing or person: radical defects of character.
And everyone, damn near, on this board is radical who took that test? In addition, what score signifies, 'radical enough to be considered radical'? I scored 16(?), is 20 enough? or 30?

I think this rest uses tge word radicalism in place of a more suitable term, and on purpose.
And everyone, damn near, on this board is radical who took that test? In addition, what score signifies, 'radical enough to be considered radical'? I scored 16(?), is 20 enough? or 30?

I think this rest uses tge word radicalism in place of a more suitable term, and on purpose.

dang....even I got a 55....
And everyone, damn near, on this board is radical who took that test? In addition, what score signifies, 'radical enough to be considered radical'? I scored 16(?), is 20 enough? or 30?

I think this test uses the word radicalism in place of a more suitable term, and on purpose.

I agree. I scored 83 on the radicalism scale and it noted, "It appears that you are skeptical towards religion..." Being skeptical towards religion seems to be the qualifying factor for radicalism as I definitely wouldn't consider myself a radical. How radical can a guy be when he joins his cats for afternoon naps?