Take The Vote, Take The Vote, Take The Vote!!!!!!!!

Hilarious, for the first time EVER, I got emails from my senator and representative, they are Marco Rubio and Nugent R fla.
The emails could be co mingled both said basically the same thing. IM HERE FOR YOU and I want to help, call me or write me anytime. I wonder why now ? <smirk>

They're walking in the freshly fertilized cotton fields of home, that's why!!!!!!

Then its about time you, the dude and Negroe learn you don't live in 'democracy', moron....you all should have learned that in grade school.
People like you think high school is enough!
When they say college isn't for everyone
They mean you
Navy boy!
Thanks, VN. I haven't watched tv today, so appreciate any article links.

I'm still looking, tekky, but the visual media isn't too up on C-Span stuff. When the Dems began their demands for a vote on the budget and CR the house looked like a courtroom and the lawyers realize the judge is about to assign one of them a purely pro bono (free) case. They immediately slam their briefcases shut, strewing papers out the door and haul ass!!!!! It was hilarious!!!!!!

So you say.

How come the mighty Democrat Party can't get its' way?

I dont know what this has to do with my post Big, mine was strictly about my no show senator and rep suddenly having an epiphany that independents are the ones that elect them and were pissed off.