taking a break from modding

do you make a distinction between non coercive sharing and coercion or decapitation?

There is little difference between them other than methods used. Those who feel compelled to invade other people's space -- whether that space is a neighborhood or a nation -- in order to attempt to convert them to their religion are despicable.

A wise person would not bring up Islamic fundies' tactics because Christianity has done just as bad if not worse. You are not wise.
There is little difference between them other than methods used. Those who feel compelled to invade other people's space -- whether that space is a neighborhood or a nation -- in order to attempt to convert them to their religion are despicable.

A wise person would not bring up Islamic fundies' tactics because Christianity has done just as bad if not worse. You are not wise.

so you make no distinction between someone coming to your door with a smile, an invitation, and watchtower magazine, and a jihadist decapitation?

like I said, mentally wrecked.
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so you make no distinction between someone coming to your door with with a smile, an invitation, and watchtower magazine, and a jihadist decapitation?

like I said, mentally wrecked.

Whatever, Nancy Anne.

I had a good friend who was what I would call a progressive pastor who told this story, and I'm paraphrasing:

A remote village was visited by some Christian missionaries who decided they would convert the villagers to Christianity. They taught the villagers that salvation could be found only through belief in Jesus Christ. All others were cursed with eternal damnation'. One day the village elder asked the missionaries what would have happened to the villagers if no one had found them and taught them about the Christian Dogma. The missionaries replied 'You would certainly be saved. God would not punish you if you had no way of knowing the way to Him'. To which the village elder replied 'then why did you tell us?'

It's a great point. Religion is personal. Stop trying to convert others to your way of belief. It only leads to the worst human atrocities on record.

depends on how far you're willing to go. I see no problem with non coercive sharing.
It's really a 3 step process, first everybody babbles in a loud cacophony of voices saying nothing, then everybody gets quiet (almost instantly, but not really hard to describe) then one or two folks start babbling, if two do one will shut up (sometimes both then somebody new steps in to babble), then somebody translates it...

sounds like JPP on a Saturday night.....