
Abreast of the situations
Mon Jan 07 2008 09:46:28 ET
Facing a double-digit defeat in New Hampshire, a sudden collapse in national polls and an expected fund-raising drought, Senator Hillary Clinton is preparing for a tough decision: Does she get out of the race? And when?!

"She can't take multiple double-digit losses in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada," laments one top campaign insider to the DRUDGE REPORT. "If she gets too badly embarrassed, it will really harm her. She doesn't want the Clinton brand to be damaged with back-to-back-to-back defeats."

Meanwhile, Democrat hopeful John Edwards has confided to senior staff that he is staying in the race because Hillary "could soon be out."

"Her money is going to dry up," Edwards confided, a top source said Monday morning.


Key players in Clinton's inner circle are said to be split. James Carville is urging her to fight it out through at least February and Super Tuesday, where she has a shot at thwarting Barack Obama in a big state.

"She did not work this hard to get out after one state! All this talk is nonsense," said one top adviser.

But others close to the former first lady now see no possible road to victory, sources claim.


[The dramatic reversal of fortunes has left the media establishment stunned and racing to keep up with fast-moving changes.

In its final poll before Iowa, CNN showed Clinton with a two-point lead over Obama. Editorial decisions were being made based on an understanding the Democratic primary race would be close, explained a network executive.]
Mon Jan 07 2008 09:46:28 ET
Facing a double-digit defeat in New Hampshire, a sudden collapse in national polls and an expected fund-raising drought, Senator Hillary Clinton is preparing for a tough decision: Does she get out of the race? And when?!

"She can't take multiple double-digit losses in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada," laments one top campaign insider to the DRUDGE REPORT. "If she gets too badly embarrassed, it will really harm her. She doesn't want the Clinton brand to be damaged with back-to-back-to-back defeats."

Meanwhile, Democrat hopeful John Edwards has confided to senior staff that he is staying in the race because Hillary "could soon be out."

"Her money is going to dry up," Edwards confided, a top source said Monday morning.


Key players in Clinton's inner circle are said to be split. James Carville is urging her to fight it out through at least February and Super Tuesday, where she has a shot at thwarting Barack Obama in a big state.

"She did not work this hard to get out after one state! All this talk is nonsense," said one top adviser.

But others close to the former first lady now see no possible road to victory, sources claim.


[The dramatic reversal of fortunes has left the media establishment stunned and racing to keep up with fast-moving changes.

In its final poll before Iowa, CNN showed Clinton with a two-point lead over Obama. Editorial decisions were being made based on an understanding the Democratic primary race would be close, explained a network executive.]

Umm, Edwards' money is going to dry up long before Hillary's. I think any talk of her withdrawing is much like the talk that was on here about BB having a brain after he made a coherent post...premature.

I say she's in until Super Tuesday.
The idea that she would withdraw before Super Tuesday because she doesn't want the "Clinton brand" damaged too much is laughable. If she bails out, it's because she's out of cash, but she's got plenty of money and could pull a Mitt and dip into her and Bill's personal funds to cover any cash flow issues. No one would find out about it until the next disclosure reports are dues, which IIRC is at the end of March.

I'd also be very leery of relying on the Edwards campaign on inside information as to what the Clinton campaign is going to do.
She is going to easily outlast Edwards. She will be in it until at least Feb 6th. She has a huge lead in NV, FL and many others. That could diminish if she gets hammered in NH... but she has way too much money to get knocked out this early.

Edwards is toast. He is already begging to be Obamas VP. He will probably try to hang on until Feb 6th, but he has no chance at the nomination without a major collapse from both Obama and Hillary.
She is going to easily outlast Edwards. She will be in it until at least Feb 6th. She has a huge lead in NV, FL and many others. That could diminish if she gets hammered in NH... but she has way too much money to get knocked out this early.

Edwards is toast. He is already begging to be Obamas VP. He will probably try to hang on until Feb 6th, but he has no chance at the nomination without a major collapse from both Obama and Hillary.

You're totally wrong on Edwards' strategy, he is not campaigning to be vp yet. He is campaigning to make it a two person race, and has decided Hillary is the weaker link.
And does Edwards think he will be the beneficiary of clinton dropping out? Hillary's supporters would flock to Obama. Her early withdrawl guarentees that Obama gets the nomination. I say she stays until Super Tuesdays and then depending on how she does there she makes a decision but not before.
You're totally wrong on Edwards' strategy, he is not campaigning to be vp yet. He is campaigning to make it a two person race, and has decided Hillary is the weaker link.

Exactly. Edwards sees the race as pitting agents of change versus an agent experienced in the workings of a broken system. If the agents of change win, you have two choices: 1) Obama's bridge the gap message or 2) Edwards's fuck 'em all message.
And does Edwards think he will be the beneficiary of clinton dropping out? Hillary's supporters would flock to Obama. Her early withdrawl guarentees that Obama gets the nomination. I say she stays until Super Tuesdays and then depending on how she does there she makes a decision but not before.

You know Soc, you and SF have a bad habit of projecting your personal hatred of Edwards onto the population at large.

Edwards has actually picked up more support than even Huckabee percentage wise in recent months, but it hasn't been covered that way by the media.

The fact is, you don't know who Hillary's supporters would gravitate towards, you know who YOU would gravitate towards. Well, and I will give you that you also know who SF would choose. ;)
You know Soc, you and SF have a bad habit of projecting your personal hatred of Edwards onto the population at large.

Edwards has actually picked up more support than even Huckabee percentage wise in recent months, but it hasn't been covered that way by the media.

The fact is, you don't know who Hillary's supporters would gravitate towards, you know who YOU would gravitate towards. Well, and I will give you that you also know who SF would choose. ;)

Darla, I thought you realized that right leaners always know what is right for everyone.
You know Soc, you and SF have a bad habit of projecting your personal hatred of Edwards onto the population at large.

Edwards has actually picked up more support than even Huckabee percentage wise in recent months, but it hasn't been covered that way by the media.

The fact is, you don't know who Hillary's supporters would gravitate towards, you know who YOU would gravitate towards. Well, and I will give you that you also know who SF would choose. ;)
I don't hate Edwards. He seems a likable enough guy. But he hates the wealthy in this country. He wants mulitgenerational wealth taxed out of existence and he wants the rich to pay MORE than their fair share. He and Huckleberry both are populists that demonize the wealthy. He is for income redistribution and that is a position that is an anathema to liberty.
You know Soc, you and SF have a bad habit of projecting your personal hatred of Edwards onto the population at large.

Edwards has actually picked up more support than even Huckabee percentage wise in recent months, but it hasn't been covered that way by the media.

The fact is, you don't know who Hillary's supporters would gravitate towards, you know who YOU would gravitate towards. Well, and I will give you that you also know who SF would choose. ;)

Darla, I thought you realized that right leaners always know what is right for everyone.

btw the best thing about hillary becoming preisdent is all those like Chap having a stroke .

Please. This in nonsense.

She's got the money and organization to stay in. And, at a minimum, she's finishing in second or third place in the early primaries.

Guilliani has about half her money, and he's finishing in 5th and 6th place in the early primaries. And no one's talking about him dropping out.

One thing's for sure. The clinton's are interested in their legacy and their image. And Hillary cratering after three primaries would be a huge embarrasment. She'll be competative for quite a while, IMO.
I don't hate Edwards. He seems a likable enough guy. But he hates the wealthy in this country. He wants mulitgenerational wealth taxed out of existence and he wants the rich to pay MORE than their fair share. He and Huckleberry both are populists that demonize the wealthy. He is for income redistribution and that is a position that is an anathema to liberty.

I've never heard him say one word about hating the wealthy.

He says that corporate interests are running our government. And they have to be reigned in. Its a message that Ron Paul espouses too. Albeit, with different solutions.
I believe Darla might remember me saying that Clinton would tank when it finally came to it. At least I hope she does. It was long ago, at the beginning of all this crap.
Socrtease is one of the new fangled globalist, fascist type liberals. Completely NOT for the people. I'm more liberal than socrtease.