You know Soc, you and SF have a bad habit of projecting your personal hatred of Edwards onto the population at large.

Edwards has actually picked up more support than even Huckabee percentage wise in recent months, but it hasn't been covered that way by the media.

The fact is, you don't know who Hillary's supporters would gravitate towards, you know who YOU would gravitate towards. Well, and I will give you that you also know who SF would choose. ;)

Yes, I like Edwards about as much as you like Bush. But that does not change the fact that he got kicked in the teeth in Iowa. It does not change the fact that he is polling badly against Obama and Hillary in virtually every state. Name one that he is even within 10% of the leader.

Also, Hillary has far more staying power than Edwards. Her supporters will not gravitate towards anyone other than the final candidate.... and that is not going to be Edwards. If anyone, it will be Obama.

He is done. toast.
You're totally wrong on Edwards' strategy, he is not campaigning to be vp yet. He is campaigning to make it a two person race, and has decided Hillary is the weaker link.

Again, you are under the assumption that he can outlast Hillary. That is ridiculous. She has more support, more money and is not going to be run out of the race by the likes of Edwards.

It already IS a two person race. Obama vs. Hillary.
And does Edwards think he will be the beneficiary of clinton dropping out? Hillary's supporters would flock to Obama. Her early withdrawl guarentees that Obama gets the nomination. I say she stays until Super Tuesdays and then depending on how she does there she makes a decision but not before.

Again, you are under the assumption that he can outlast Hillary. That is ridiculous. She has more support, more money and is not going to be run out of the race by the likes of Edwards.

It already IS a two person race. Obama vs. Hillary.

No, I think the smart money says she outlasts him, but it's not written in stone, and I am speaking of what his strategy is. And his strategy is to make it an Edwards vs Obama race.
Umm, Edwards' money is going to dry up long before Hillary's. I think any talk of her withdrawing is much like the talk that was on here about BB having a brain after he made a coherent post...premature.

I say she's in until Super Tuesday.

Thank you.
I believe Darla might remember me saying that Clinton would tank when it finally came to it. At least I hope she does. It was long ago, at the beginning of all this crap.

I kind of remember. I might remember better if you block AHZ from all of my threads. PM me, and we'll talk.
No, I think the smart money says she outlasts him, but it's not written in stone, and I am speaking of what his strategy is. And his strategy is to make it an Edwards vs Obama race.

Just like his old strategy, an Edwards vs. Kerry race. Yep, that worked out.
I kind of remember. I might remember better if you block AHZ from all of my threads. PM me, and we'll talk.

STFU you authoritarian ho. Damo has better character than letting a skank like you effect his moderating policies.

Why don't you just grow up and learn to deal with your own racism
i will take one of the following:

1) less taxes
2) same taxes but 4more weeks vacation and 35hr work week.
No, I think the smart money says she outlasts him, but it's not written in stone, and I am speaking of what his strategy is. And his strategy is to make it an Edwards vs Obama race.

Then he is an even greater moron than I had thought. Because anyone that thinks Hillary is dropping out before Edwards is a fool.... and if that is what he believes... fool.
I want a balanced budget without adding any more burden on us.

I want them to not only stick to a balanced budget, but I want them to begin paying down the debt. It is not right for us to continue to screw the future generations of this country for the sake of our own gratification.