Talking points: A critique of Bill Cosby on his criticism of today's youth

Saggy pants, horrible. I see that here with both black and white teens, it's just gross. Baggy clothing, what's the big deal, doesn't anyone remember Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad? :) I see it on black and white teens also.

I don't like made-up names either but IMO that's not particular to any culture. For every Shaniqua and Shaliqua there's a Neveah or Makayla, bad spelling and all. What's wrong with nice classy English names like Diana or Sybil? :)

Absolutely no argument about staying in school. But let's not pretend inner-city schools have the same advantages for students as those in middle- or upper-class areas.

Cosby apparently is unaware of two working-parent households. Poor people do it because they have to, middle- and upper do it because they want to. The DOL says 60% of women are in the labor force. Husbands are the sole worker in fewer than one-quarter of married-couple families.[SUP]5[/SUP] This is a cultural change, not a racial one.

Nice response my friendly kitty, BUT I have to disagree with you on one point.

I think "made up" names are individual expressions people pass on to their children. In the black community families want to have some sort of a relationship with Africa.Since African-Americans have lost their cultural ties to the tribes who were enslaved, I think its reasonable that blacks name their kids in relation to their heritage. Because as you said Christie "what's wrong with good English names?"

Well slavery via forced assimilation, and the adoption of a foreign (e.g naming oneself after one's master) is a good reason as blacks neither have no relation to England or Anglo-Saxon tradition.
Whosays I'm not proactive? The fact that I get up everyday and go to work is a testament of my productivity as an American citizen, and the fact I make an attempt to further my education exceeds the societal stereotype of being a young black man. The very fact that I'm not involved in a criminal enterprise is self-evident which alone demonstrates just how much proactive I am.

I don't want to frighten you; but are you aware that we were talking about you contacting Cosby and requesting a debate, so you could tell him your thoughts on what he should be doing? :palm:
I liked you better when you called him Wet Noodle.
Sweets said that my old Board persona was one of the characters in her book that I bought at Barns and Nobles, so I am interested to see if Dantes put me in his/her book, as well. I do not want to show favoritism on here, I want to be an equal opportunity book purchaser, and if you write a book, I will buy yours also.
Nice response my friendly kitty, BUT I have to disagree with you on one point.

I think "made up" names are individual expressions people pass on to their children. In the black community families want to have some sort of a relationship with Africa.Since African-Americans have lost their cultural ties to the tribes who were enslaved, I think its reasonable that blacks name their kids in relation to their heritage. Because as you said Christie "what's wrong with good English names?"

Well slavery via forced assimilation, and the adoption of a foreign (e.g naming oneself after one's master) is a good reason as blacks neither have no relation to England or Anglo-Saxon tradition.

Fair point. I was criticizing "white" made-up names too (Neveah, Makayla), if I wasn't clear. Or names with creative spelling in an attempt to be original.
Sweets said that my old Board persona was one of the characters in her book that I bought at Barns and Nobles, so I am interested to see if Dantes put me in his/her book, as well. I do not want to show favoritism on here, I want to be an equal opportunity book purchaser, and if you write a book, I will buy yours also.

Dantes is a cunt, you should have nothing to do with him. That is my advice.
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Sweets said that my old Board persona was one of the characters in her book that I bought at Barns and Nobles, so I am interested to see if Dantes put me in his/her book, as well. I do not want to show favoritism on here, I want to be an equal opportunity book purchaser, and if you write a book, I will buy yours also.

No need to worry about that, SJJ, tommy the washer woman won't ever be writing a book about anything! He can't even joke about doing so. He has no imagination All he is doing here is posting shit he remembers from AOL! And it is eventually going to get him a ban!
<edit for personal info reveal> is a cunt, you should have nothing to do with him. That is my advice.

You just think you're so clever don't you Tom? You think you can keep playing games and continue to get your spankings and continue to play games and on and on and on.

You're not that clever Tom.
Whosays I'm not proactive? The fact that I get up everyday and go to work is a testament of my productivity as an American citizen, and the fact I make an attempt to further my education exceeds the societal stereotype of being a young black man. The very fact that I'm not involved in a criminal enterprise is self-evident which alone demonstrates just how much proactive I am.

Don't worry no one here with any brains pays any attention to this idiot. He still hasn't got off his ass and fixed that pickup truck of his with the Confederate flag in the back window so he can drive to Mississippi and fix things there!
You just think you're so clever don't you Tom? You think you can keep playing games and continue to get your spankings and continue to play games and on and on and on.

You're not that clever Tom.

He probably thought he could get away with it today because billy is the only mod around and they are thick as thieves those two!
I don't want to frighten you; but are you aware that we were talking about you contacting Cosby and requesting a debate, so you could tell him your thoughts on what he should be doing? :palm:

Wow um, why would Cosby want to debate a social nobody? Cosby is a celebrity.
I liked you better when you called him Wet Noodle.

Did tommy get his feelings hurt when Damo edited out three of his posts last night. Poor tommy, he just can't do that shit no more! Cry for us tommy show us how hurt you are. Are you going to finally stomp your feet and hold your breath too! I sure hope so! That trifecta of edits was a real crowd pleaser what else you got? Don't worry tommy, one of these days your shit is going to back all up and finally choke you to death!
Did tommy get his feelings hurt when Damo edited out three of his posts last night. Poor tommy, he just can't do that shit no more! Cry for us tommy show us how hurt you are. Are you going to finally stomp your feet and hold your breath too! I sure hope so! That trifecta of edits was a real crowd pleaser what else you got? Don't worry tommy, one of these days your shit is going to back all up and finally choke you to death!
All of this drama -- over little words in a box on your screen?


Good fucking God.

What kind of pansy mecca is this anyway?
You'll never know, until you try; but then it looks like you'll never know, because you're all talk and no walk. :palm:

USF, I'm trying to tell you that celebs...well, nevermind. This sidebar is pointless. Cosby has his beliefs, I have mine. I just think Dyson refuted his position.
And you're a racist coward who'd probably shoot someone cause you're losing in a fist fight.

Well if I have my gun and I am losing a fight I would use it. Why would I allow myself to get beat up? That makes no sense.

But I don't worry about that too much. I spend lots of time at my mountain retreat. Lefties like you don't have the stamina to come my way which is good for all I volbed