It is not so much the rate as the loopholes for the likes of Trump and Romney.
Really? There are special Romney/Trump loopholes? Just for them and them alone?
Are there no loopholes leftists take advantage of?
It is not so much the rate as the loopholes for the likes of Trump and Romney.
I have not seen anything within the FAIR tax equation suggesting a tax of more than 18%.
We're not talking about the buyer or the dealer paying the tax; it is when they buy products themselves they are paying the tax.
First off; you are already paying the increased price. You just never see it.
The bureaucracy would be less than what it currently is. When you abolish the Tax code, you also significantly reduce the massive bureaucracy necessary to run it and audit people. You do understand that the current system is an honor system where the threat of imprisonment is the only enforcement technique. That too would go away under the Fair Tax.
Unless they have changed recently, the Fair Tax concept used a 23% figure to replace current revenue (including federal income and payroll taxes). Although they claim it is 23%, it is closer to 30%. A $30 tax on a $100 product comes to 30%. But, they claim $30 is
23% of $130.
What agency is going to do all the bureaucratic work entering how many children are in your family and sending out rebate payments to all those households? What keeps you from counting the children of others?
No system is perfect
I reject the notion that we have to replace current spending levels. That is the problem. The gobblement just spends and spends.
Unless they have changed recently, the Fair Tax concept used a 23% figure to replace current revenue (including federal income and payroll taxes). Although they claim it is 23%, it is closer to 30%. A $30 tax on a $100 product comes to 30%. But, they claim $30 is
23% of $130.
What agency is going to do all the bureaucratic work entering how many children are in your family and sending out rebate payments to all those households? What keeps you from counting the children of others?
No system is perfect
I reject the notion that we have to replace current spending levels. That is the problem. The gobblement just spends and spends.
I agree, but I also don't want to increase the deficit and debt that would occur if revenue decreased.
Revenue would increase as a result of the FAIR tax and the massive economic boom it would create. The ONLY way to prevent deficits is for Congress to NOT spend more than they take in.
We don't have a REVENUE problem in this country as the Democratic Party of the Jackass claims, but rather, a SPENDING problem.
Quite often we hear from our leftist friends on JPP that the federal gobblement just isn't collecting enough of the hard earned money that American citizens make. I hear quite often from JPP leftists that the United States should enact the top marginal tax rates from the 1950s on "the rich". Depending on the leftist, they believe that the federal gobblement should confiscate anywhere from between 70-90% of the income earned by "the rich".
I believe that it is politically cheap to sit and call for what you believe others should have to pay in taxes. That is easy to say, particularly if it will never have to apply to you.
So the question I have for our board leftists is what percentage of your income do you think the federal gobblement should take from YOU personally? Not what you think they should take from others, but what you think they should take from you? What is the highest rate YOU want to pay out of your own pocket.
Personally, I believe that the federal gobblement should take NOmore than 15% from any American citizen. Period.
I wonder how many of our JPP leftist friends will have the courage to step up?
I agree, but I also don't want to increase the deficit and debt that would occur if revenue decreased.
everybody got a tax cut, is there a problem
seems like a no brainer
Quite often we hear from our leftist friends on JPP that the federal gobblement just isn't collecting enough of the hard earned money that American citizens make. I hear quite often from JPP leftists that the United States should enact the top marginal tax rates from the 1950s on "the rich". Depending on the leftist, they believe that the federal gobblement should confiscate anywhere from between 70-90% of the income earned by "the rich".
I believe that it is politically cheap to sit and call for what you believe others should have to pay in taxes. That is easy to say, particularly if it will never have to apply to you.
So the question I have for our board leftists is what percentage of your income do you think the federal gobblement should take from YOU personally? Not what you think they should take from others, but what you think they should take from you? What is the highest rate YOU want to pay out of your own pocket.
Personally, I believe that the federal gobblement should take NOmore than 15% from any American citizen. Period.
I wonder how many of our JPP leftist friends will have the courage to step up? main sources of information on these military installations (e.g. C. Johnson, the NATO Watch Committee, the International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases) reveal that the US operates and/or controls between 700 and 800 military bases Worldwide.
In this regard, Hugh d’Andrade and Bob Wing’s 2002 Map 1 entitled “U.S. Military Troops and Bases around the World, The Cost of ‘Permanent War'”, confirms the presence of US military personnel in 156 countries.
The US Military has bases in 63 countries. Brand new military bases have been built since September 11, 2001 in seven countries.
In total, there are 255,065 US military personnel deployed Worldwide.
These facilities include a total of 845,441 different buildings and equipments. The underlying land surface is of the order of 30 million acres. According to Gelman, who examined 2005 official Pentagon data, the US is thought to own a total of 737 bases in foreign lands. Adding to the bases inside U.S. territory, the total land area occupied by US military bases domestically within the US and internationally is of the order of 2,202,735 hectares, which makes the Pentagon one of the largest landowners worldwide (Gelman, J., 2007). for the United States, investing taxpayer dollars in the construction and maintenance of overseas bases means forgoing investments in areas like education, transportation, housing, and healthcare, despite the fact that these industries are more of a boon to overall economic productivity and create more jobs compared to equivalent military spending. Think about what $85 billion per year would mean in terms of rebuilding the country’s crumbling civilian infrastructure.
Ever notice that when the lefties start talking about tax increases they only want it on certain groups, though?
Have the government stop spending on things for which no delegated authority exists.
That seems like an argument against the national sales tax---unless you want government to get more of the nation's revenue.
America chose empire instead, fuck the unsubstantial people.
It's like white folk and "entitlements" isn't it.
I agree. Does that include immigration control--I don't see any delegated authority for it? Or, the president's power to send troops with no congressional declaration of war?
It's like white folk and "entitlements" isn't it.